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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
2761 Keeping the promise of MDGs through EIU : report of the International Symposiumon a Culture of Peace 2007 詳細 ed. by Lee Seung-Mi, Ma. Johanna C. Encabo / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 AP / 373 142 p
2762 Situational analysis on Education for International Understanding in South-EastAsia 詳細 ed. by Lee Seung-Mi / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 SEA / 371.5 184 p
2763 Peace and human rights education through education for sustainable development : lessons from four case studies in the Philippines : EIU experiential learning programme 詳細 ed. by Lee Seung-Mi, Jung Hye-Won / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 SEA / 371.5 / 5 65 p
2764 The Mekong challenge : 41 brothels-prostitution, trafficking and human rights in Sihanouk Ville, Cambodia  詳細 Mekong sub-regional project to combat trafficking in children and women : International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, International Labour Organization 2007 SEA / 368.4 xv、 99 p
2765 The Mekong challenge : winding roads : young migrants from Lao PDR and their vulnerability to human trafficking : an analysis of the 2003 Lao PDR migration survey with a new introduction and foreword 詳細 Mekong sub-regional project to combat trafficking in children and women ; International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, International Labour Organization 2007 SEA / 368.4 viii、 77 p
2766 Realizing the rights of the child 詳細 [by] Carol Bellamy...[et al.] / Ruffer & Rub 2007 G / 369.4 301 p
2767 日本で学ぶ国際関係論 詳細 初瀬龍平, 野田岳人 編 / 法律文化社 2007 J / 319 9, 182p
2768 移民国家ニッポン : 1000万人の移民が日本を救う 詳細 坂中英徳, 浅川晃広 / 日本加除出版 2007 J / 334.4 189p
2769 年次報告 詳細 [アジア開発銀行駐日代表事務所] 2007 AP / 333.8 / 2006 206p
2770 APEX20年の歩み : 適正技術への道 詳細 APEX 編 / APEX 2007 SEA / 335.8 7、 393p
2771 Today's Japan and welfare policy 詳細 アジア福祉教育財団 2007 J / 369 79p
2772 In search of new paradigm : sustainable humanosphere 詳細 Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University 2007 SEA / 302 64 p
2773 移住女性労働者の人権保障を求めて : 日韓連続シンポジウム in Osaka 詳細 アジア・太平洋人権情報センター(ヒューライツ大阪), 大阪府立大学女性学研究センター|| 編 / アジア・太平洋人権情報センター(ヒューライツ大阪) : 大阪府立大学女性学研究センター 2007 EA / 367.2 77p
2774 ASEAN+3 Human Security Symposium on Women & Poverty Eradication 詳細 Association for Human Rights of Women 2007 AP / 367.2 186 p
2775 ワンコリアフェスティバル 詳細 ワンコリアフェスティバル実行委員会 2007 EA / 316.8 / 23 68p
2776 The new core international human rights treaties 詳細 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2007 G / 329.2 iii、 66 p
2777 Good governance practices for the protection of human rights 詳細 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2007 G / 327.7 iv、 79 p
2778 Catching the wind-human rights 詳細 International Council on Human Rights Policy (ICHRP) 2007 G / 316.1 i、 52 p
2779 Annual report 詳細 Law & Society Trust 2007 SA / 371.5 / 2006 25 p
2780 Annual report : Isis International-Manila 詳細 Isis International-Manila 2007 G / 367.2 / 2006 56 p

9538件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 次へ≫