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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
3621 RAHAT : medical journal 詳細 Voice Against Torture 2004 G / 327.6 76 p
3622 The land of feuding gods 詳細 editor in chief, Chien His-Chieh ; translated by Chen Yin-I / Peacetime Foundation of Taiwan 2004 EA / 319.8 32 p
3623 Stop violence against women 詳細 Amnesty International United Kingdom 2004 G / 367.2 11 p
3624 Human rights and economic relations : proceedings the 5th of informal ASEM seminar on human rights 詳細 Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitation Law : Asia-Europe Foundation : French Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2004 G / 316.1 / 5 iv, 292 p
3625 Training guide and training techniques 詳細 [by] Asia-Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL) / UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, UNESCO Bangkok 2004 G / 371.5 51p
3626 Why do the Millennium Development Goals matter ? 詳細 UNDP-TUGI 2004 G / 361.9 1 sheet
3627 Between knowledge and commitment : post-conflict peace-building and reconstruction in regional contexts 詳細 ed. by Masako Ishii, Jacqueline A. Siapno / Japan Center for Area Studies National Museum of Ethnology 2004 AP / 319.8 xxii、 268 p
3628 Expert Meeting on the Elaboration of the Plan of Action for the World Programme for Human Rights Education 詳細 [OHCHR] 2004 G / 316.1 1 v
3629 Engaging people in sustainability 詳細 Daniella Tilbury, David Wortman / World Conservation Union(IUCN 2004 G / 371.5 x、 137 p : ill
3630 国際刑事裁判所とは? : what is ICC? 詳細 国際刑事裁判所問題日本ネットワーク(JNICC) 2004 J / 329.6 6p
3631 Transformations : stories of lives reclaimed : 2004 annual report : twentieth anniversary 詳細 Sanctuary for Families 2004 AM / 367.3 40 p
3632 レイプの二次被害を防ぐために : 被害者の回復を助ける7つのポイント 詳細 女性のためのアジア平和国民基金(アジア女性基金) 2004 J / 367.9 22p
3633 A last resort ? : a summary guide to the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 詳細 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 2004 P / 367.6 72 p
3634 Moving on : stories of DAWN women survivors 詳細 editors, Carmelita G. Nuqui, Jannis T. Montanez / Development Action for Women Network (DAWN) 2004 SEA / 367.2 xv、 279 p
3635 共生社会の実現をめざして 詳細 大阪市市民局人権部企画推進課 2004 J / 334.4 14p
3636 Human rights and good governance education in the Asia Pacific region 詳細 Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade / Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade 2004 AP / 371.5 xxii、 207 p
3637 Human rights education : students module : part 1 詳細 I.Devasahayam, Aloysius Irudhayam?authors ; Sabitha Nair, Joseph Panneer Selvam?translation / Institute of Human Rights Education 2004 SA / 371.5 x、 139 p
3638 Building a tolerant community in Osaka 詳細 Human Rights Division, Citizen's Affairs Bureau, City of Osaka 2004 J / 334.4 34p
3639 CB・NPO 雇用動向調査結果 詳細 関西経営者協会 2004 J / 335.8 12p
3640 Child rights : students module : part 2 詳細 I. Devasahayam?author ; Cynthia Tiphagne, Joseph Panneer Selvam?translation / Institute of Human Rights Education 2004 SA / 369.4 xi、 109 p

9538件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 次へ≫