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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
3641 Forbidden families : family unification and child registration in East Jerusalem 詳細 Researched and written by Yael Stein / B'Tselem 2004 WA / 324.6 41 p
3642 Women and justice : recommended principles and guidelines 詳細 Asain Women's Fund (AWF) 2004 G / 367.2 43 p
3643 Unequal worlds and the roads ahead 詳細 International House of Japan : Japan Foundation 2004 AP / 302 / 2003 204 p、 [15] p of col plates
3644 Get it right 詳細 by U-En Ng, Caroline Yap / SUHAKAM ; New Straits Times Press(NSTP) 2004 SEA / 371.5 71 p
3645 Human rights defenders : protecting the rights to defend human rights 詳細 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2004 G / 316.1 / 29 vi, 51p
3646 The Dehlol story 詳細 authors, Navaz Kotwal, Venkatesh Nayak ; editor, Maja Daruwala / Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) 2004 SA / 316.1 29 p
3647 Fair & square 詳細 by Caroline Yap, U-En Ng / SUHAKAM : New Straits Times Press(NSTP) 2004 SEA / 371.5 71 p
3648 Kaleidoscope : human rights primer 詳細 Neelam Hussain, Naveen Qayyum ; illustlated by Sara Khan, Saba Khan, Anjana Raza, Maryam Rehman / Simorgh Women's Resource and Publication Centre 2004 SA / 316.1 / 1 40 p
3649 Police public interface : making it happen 詳細 Ministry of Home Affairs : Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) 2004 SA / 317.7 35 p
3650 Police organisation in India 詳細 [by G.P. Joshi] / Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) 2004 SA / 317.7 56 p
3651 ありがとう : ゆりとママのやくそく 詳細 松原市 2004 J / 376.6 31p
3652 Decree of the president of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 year 2004 on the national plan of action of human rights 2004-2009 詳細 Department of Justice and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia 2004 SEA / 327.7 65 p
3653 Promoting rights-based approaches : experiences and ideas from Asia and the Pacific 詳細 [by] Joachim Theis / Save the Children 2004 AP / 369.4 xiv、 147 p
3654 Life & human rights in North Korea 詳細 Society to Help Returnees to North Korea (HRNK) : Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (NKHR) 2004 EA / 316.1 / 34 56 p
3655 全羅南道修学旅行の可否について : 百済に修学旅行は来るのか 詳細 平沢保人 [ ] / 大阪市教員会館 2004 EA / 374.4 12枚
3656 [The UNESCO experts meeting on Commitment of Cities Against Discrimination : Defining a Ten-Point Plan of Action to Combat Racism at the Municipal Level] 詳細 [UNESCO] 2004 E / 316.8 1 v
3657 Ten-Point Action Plan for the Coalition of Cities against Racism in Europe...[et al.] 詳細 [UNESCO] 2004 E / 316.8 1 v
3658 The program of the Human Rights Educational Workshop in Schools 詳細 [Human Rights Education Project, UNDP] 2004 WA / 375 3 leaves
3659 北朝鮮の人権 : 世界人権宣言に照らして 詳細 ミネソタ弁護士会国際人権委員会, アジアウォッチ 編 ; 小川晴久, 川人博 訳 / 連合出版 2004 EA / 316.1 22cm
3660 The vulnerable child : research report on institutions which protect children'srights 詳細 compiled by Chamila Hemmathagama / Centre for the Study of Human Rights (CSHR), University of Colombo 2004 SA / 367.6 viii、 136 p

9538件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 次へ≫