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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
4381 Law and society association and the Canadian law and society association / l'association Canadienne droit et societe 詳細 Law and Society Association (LSA), Canadian Law and Society Association (CLSA) 2002 G / 321.3 xii、 126 p
4382 Working with rape survivors : a handbook 詳細 by Working Group of the Women's Crisis Centre Network / Women's Centre for Change (WCC) 2002 SEA / 367.2 119 p
4383 A setback for sustainable development : WSSD Johannesburg 2002 詳細 Third World Network 2002 G / 361.9 72 p
4384 Afghanistan : seeds of hope 詳細 Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State 2002 SA / 319 20 p
4385 Innovations in non-formal education: a review of selected initiatives from the Asia-Pacific Region 詳細 undertaken by APPEAL Resource and Training Consortium (ARTC) / UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2002 AP / 379 117 p
4386 Lengthening shadows : poverty-affected children 詳細 ed. by Sarwat Shah / SPARC(Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child) 2002 SA / 367.6 xix、 119 p
4387 Laws & issuances on children 詳細 CWC(Council for the Welfare of Children) 2002 SEA / 367.6 309 p
4388 Integrating child-centered approaches in children's work 詳細 editor, Thor G. Balanon / UPCIDS-PST(Program on Psychosocial Trauma and Human Rights UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies) 2002 SEA / 367.6 118 p
4389 The Early Childhood Care and Development Act (Republic Act no.8980) and the implementing rules and regulations 詳細 Council for the Welfare of Children, Republic of the Philippines 2002 SEA / 367.6 70 p
4390 2002年第6回DPI世界会議札幌大会 詳細 [DPI(障害者インターナショナル)日本会議] 2002 G / 369.2 1冊
4391 Footprints : child servants 詳細 Global March Against Child Labour 2002 G / 367.6 36 p
4392 Creating a healing environment : psycho-social rehabilitation and occupational integration of child survivors of trafficking and other worst forms of child labour 詳細 International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, International Labour Organization 2002 SA / 367.6 282 p
4393 Mainstreaming gender 詳細 Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare (MWCSW) : Mainstreaming Gender Equity Programme (MGEP), UNDP 2002 SA / 367.2 xiv、 81 p
4394 「女性・戦争・人権」学会 --大会 : フェミニズムとコロニアリズム 詳細 日・韓、韓・日女性共同歴史教材 編 / 「女性・戦争・人権」学会 : 女性・戦争・人権センター 2002 EA / 367.2 1冊
4395 Trafficking in girls in Nepal : news and articles : 2002 詳細 CWIN Resource and Information Center 2002 SA / 368.4 116 p
4396 Commercial sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children in South Asia 詳細 United Nations Children's Fund Regional Office for South Asia 2002 SA / 367.6 102 p
4397 大阪フォーラム : Osaka forum : partnership for disability rights : 抄録集 詳細 [「アジア太平洋障害者の十年」最終年記念フォーラム組織委員会] 2002 AP / 369.2 191p
4398 Report on the human rights education study tour of a delegation from the People's Republic of China 詳細 Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (Hurights Osaka) 2002 AP / 371.5 1 v
4399 A political science approach to human rights 詳細 [by] Laksiri Fernando / Centre for the Study of Human Rights(CSHR), University of Colombo 2002 G / 316.1 88 p
4400 A brief report of the gathering held on probing the human rights status of the religious minorities ...[et al] 詳細 Islamic Human Rights Commission 2002 WA / 319 1 v

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