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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
4621 International instruments related to the prevention and suppression of international terrorism 詳細 United Nations 2001 G / 316.4 viii、 266 p
4622 Holding corporations accountable : corporate conduct, international codes and citizen action 詳細 Judith Richter / Zed Books 2001 G / 366.1 xii、 241 p
4623 Beijing to Beijing + 5 : review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action : report of the Secretary-General 詳細 United Nations 2001 G / 367.1 x、 301 p
4624 国際交流ボランティア研修会 : 国際協力ネットワークセミナーin 長野 詳細 [長野県国際交流推進協会] 2001 J / 335.8 47p
4625 National human rights institutions in the Asia Pacific : a source book 詳細 Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism 2001 AP / 327.7 vii、 227 p
4626 A divided court : case materials from the constitutional challenge to the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997 詳細 Andre Gerard G. Ballesteros, editor / Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center 2001 SEA / 316.8 vi、 622 p
4627 少年司法における子どもの権利 : 国際基準および模範的慣行へのガイド 詳細 国連ウィーン事務所 ; 平野裕二 訳 / 現代人文社 2001 G / 327.8 147p
4628 Access to education for the poor in Europe and Central Asia : preliminary evidence and policy implications 詳細 Nancy Vandycke / World Bank 2001 G / 372 vi、 44 p
4629 Annual report 詳細 Centre for the Study of Human Rights(CSHR), University of Colombo 2001 SA / 316.1 / 2001 39 p
4630 Community organizing of the urban poor in crisis situations : a guidebook for community organizers and social development workers 詳細 Compilation and editing, Letty Tumbaga, Arnold Beroya / Partnership of Philippine Support Service Agencies (PHILSSA) 2001 SEA / 361.9 39 p
4631 Seventeen frequently asked questions about United Nations special rapporteurs 詳細 Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2001 G / 316.1 / 27 21 p
4632 The politics of justice and human rights : Southeast Asia and universalist theory 詳細 Anthony J. Langlois / Cambridge University Press 2001 SEA / 316.1 ix、 214 p
4633 Passport to dignity : working with the Beijing Platform for Action for the human rights of women 詳細 conceptualization and process design by Betty A. Reardon ; original idea by Shulamith Koenig ; prepared for publication by Mado Spiegler ; technical editing byIsfahan Merali / PDHRE, People's Movement for Human Rights Education 2001 G / 367.2 xiv、 536 p
4634 Leading to choices : a leadership training handbook for women 詳細 [by] Mahnaz Afkhami, Ann Eisenberg, Haleh Vaziri / Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace (WLP) 2001 G / 367.2 iv、 140 p
4635 Annual report : human rights situaton in Tibet 詳細 Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy 2001 EA / 316.8 / 2000 114 p
4636 Multicultural jurisdictions : cultural differences and women's rights 詳細 Ayelet Shachar / Cambridge Univesity Press 2001 G / 367.2 xiv、 193 p
4637 Human rights and social work : towards rights-based practice 詳細 Jim Ife / Cambridge University Press 2001 G / 369.1 10、 230 p
4638 Multicultural Japan : palaeolithic to postmodern 詳細 ed. by Donald Denoon ... [at el.] ; with an introduction by Gavan McCormack / Cambridge University Press 2001 J / 302 viii、 302 p
4639 Culture and rights : anthropological perspectives 詳細 ed. by Jane K. Cowan, Marie-Benedicte Dembour and, Richard A. Wilson / Cambridge University Press 2001 G / 316.1 xiv、 258 p
4640 The fall of Joseph Estrada : the inside story 詳細 Amando Doronila / Anvil Publishing 2001 SEA / 312 x、 316 p

9538件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 次へ≫