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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
5021 Popular education for human rights : 24 participatory exercises for facilitators and teachers 詳細 by Richard Pierre Claude / Human Rights Education Associates (HREA) 2000 G / 371.5 3、 90 p
5022 Many roads to justice : the law related work of Ford Foundation grantees around the world 詳細 Mary Mcclymont, Stephen Golub, editors / Ford Foundation 2000 G / 335.8 361 p
5023 International law and self-determination : the interplay of the politics of territorial possession with formulations of post-colonial 'national' identity 詳細 Joshua Castellino / M. Nijhoff 2000 G / 329.1 xxiv、 286 p
5024 「武力紛争下における女性の人権」研究会 詳細 横田洋三 講師 / [「武力紛争下における女性の人権」研究会] 2000 G / 316.1 1冊
5025 あなたも参加しませんか組合員のネットワーク : 大阪高教組結成10周年記念誌 詳細 大阪府高等学校教職員組合 / 大阪府高等学校教職員組合 2000 J / 374.3 32p
5026 The Chittagong Hill Tracts : the road to a lasting peace 詳細 Tebtebba Foundation, Inc. / Tebtebba Foundation, Inc. 2000 SA / 316.8 82 p
5027 東大で上野千鶴子にケンカを学ぶ 詳細 筑摩書房 / 筑摩書房 2000 J / 367.2 250p
5028 The Orang Asli and the contest for resources : indigenous politics, development and identity in Peninsular Malaysia 詳細 Colin Nicholas / International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, Center for Orang Asli Concerns 2000 SEA / 316.8 xv、 285 p
5029 Women in South Asia : Dowry death and human rights violations 詳細 Pramod Mishra / Authors Press 2000 SA / 367.2 vi、 278 p
5030 中国から見た北朝鮮経済事情 詳細 今村弘子 / 朝日新聞社 2000 EA / 332 193p
5031 Women's development and NGOs 詳細 Anju Bhatia / Rawat Publications 2000 SA / 367.2 239 p
5032 Judicial activisim in India 詳細 B. S. Tyagi / Srishti Publishers & Distributors 2000 SA / 327 206 p
5033 Human rights education, social change and human values 詳細 editorial board, Vishwanath D. Karad...[et al.] / World Peace Centre of MAEER`s MIT 2000 AP / 371.5 370 p
5034 The jurisprudence of human rights law : a comparative interpretive approach 詳細 ed. by Theodore S. Orlin, Allan Rosas, Martin Scheinin / Institute for Human Rights, Abo Akademi University 2000 G / 316.1 ix、 323 p
5035 Annual report : Human Rights Internet 詳細 Human Rights Internet 2000 G / 316.1 16 p
5036 日本軍「慰安婦」問題とは? 詳細 姜済淑 [編] ; 庵逧由香 日本語翻訳 / ナヌムの家・日本軍「慰安婦」歴史館 2000 EA / 367.2 39p
5037 Kaleidoscope : teacher's guide 詳細 Neelam Hussain, Anjana Raza / Simorgh Women's Resorce and Publication Centre 2000 SA / 316.1 / 3 iii, 33 p
5038 Kaleidoscope : teacher's guide 詳細 Neelam Hussain, Anjana Raza / Simorgh Women's Resource and Publication Centre 2000 SA / 316.1 iii, 36 p
5039 National curriculum framework for school education : a discussion document 詳細 National Council of Educational Research and Training 2000 SA / 375.1 126 p
5040 Pakistan studies for secondary classes 詳細 Punjab textbook board 2000 SA / 375.3 278 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 次へ≫