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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
5281 Muslim Women in India 詳細 by Seema Kazi / Minority Rights Group 1999 SA / 367.2 38 p
5282 非営利組織のマネジメント : 使命・責任・成果 詳細 島田恒 / 東洋経済新報社 1999 J / 335.8 18、 248p
5283 同性愛者と人権教育のための国連10年 詳細 動くゲイとレズビアンの会(アカー) 1999 G / 367.9 43p
5284 第2回 日韓平和教育シンポジュウム : 東アジアの平和のための日韓平和教育の課題と展望 詳細 日韓平和教育研究会, 韓神大学民衆教育研究所 / 日韓平和教育研究会 1999 EA / 319.8 190 p
5285 Volunteer assistance in the Osaka area: observations of volunteer and non-profit organizations, 1999 詳細 [by]T.A. Swenson / Osaka Jogakuin Jr. College 1999 J / 335.8 100 p
5286 人権教育リーフレット : 大阪府立住吉高等学校 詳細 大阪府立住吉高等学校同和教育推進委員会 編 / 大阪府立住吉高等学校 同和教育推進委員会 1999 J / 375 48p
5287 Task Force Detainees of the Philippines: a pioneer in human rights : 25 years of struggle for people's dignity 1974-1999 詳細 Executive Director Aurora A. Parong / Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) 1999 SEA / 316.1 38 p
5288 Human rights under the Estrada administration : rich in rhetoric, poor in action : July-December 1998 詳細 editor/project director by Aurora A. Parong / Task Force Detainees of the Philippines(TFDP) 1999 SEA / 316.1 26 p
5289 Human rights agenda for immediate executive action 詳細 editor/project director by Aurora A. Parong / Task Force Detainees of the Philippines(TFDP) 1999 SEA / 316.1 17 p
5290 The family in international and regional human rights instruments 詳細 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Department for Economic and Social Affairs / United Nations 1999 G / 367.3 41 p
5291 The situation of women in Burma : prepared for the 55th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 詳細 Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (Altsean-Burma) 1999 SEA / 316.1 20 p
5292 The stakes are raised in Burma : includes message of daw Aung San Suu Kyi to the 55th session of the United Nations Commission of Human Rights and chronology January 1st - March 15th, '99 詳細 Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (Altsean Burma) 1999 SEA / 316.1 59 p
5293 国際交流基金日米センター年報 詳細 国際交流基金日米センター 編 / 国際交流基金日米センター 1999 G / 319 / 1997 45p
5294 The Burma junta grits its teeth : includes chronology July 1st -December 31st, '98 詳細 Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (Altsean-Burma) 1999 SEA / 316.1 68 p
5295 An Introduction to the Buraku Issue : questions and answers 詳細 by Suehiro Kitaguchi ; Translated with an Introduction by Alastair McLauchlan / Japan Library 1999 J / 361.8 viii、 213 p
5296 A handbook of practical strategies for local human rights groups 詳細 written and ed. by Sylvia Alexander / The Human Rights Program of the Fund for Peace 1999 G / 316.1 112 p
5297 Human rights of women : a collection of international and regional normative instruments 詳細 prepared by Janusz Symonides, Vladimir Volodin / UNESCO 1999 G / 367.1 418 p
5298 The migrating woman's handbook 詳細 Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) / Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) 1999 G / 367.2 134 p
5299 Inquiry into freedom of religion and belief : information booklet 詳細 [The Parliament of the Commomwealth of Australia] 1999 G / 316.1 24 p
5300 Annual report : International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims 詳細 edited by : Henric Marcussen, Finn Rasmussen / International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) 1999 G / 327.6 / 1998 50 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 次へ≫