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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
5301 Report : Colombo and Tokyo seminars on trafficking in women and children 詳細 IMADR(International Movement Against All Forms of Discriminaion and Racism) / [JMADR] 1999 G / 368.4 85 p
5302 「外国人住民」の権利宣言 詳細 外登法問題と取り組む全国キリスト教連絡協議会 編 / 外登法問題と取り組む全国キリスト教連絡協議会 1999 J / 334.4 64p
5303 新修部落問題事典 詳細 秋定嘉和 [ほか] 監修 / 解放出版社 1999 J / 361.8 7、 649p
5304 Pluralism, conflict resolution and communal harmony 詳細 Pipal Tree / Pipal Tree 1999 SA / 319 18 p
5305 東ティモール : 奪われた独立・自由への闘い 詳細 高橋奈緒子 / 東ティモールに自由を!全国協議会 1999 SEA / 319.8 75p
5306 東ティモール : 奪われた独立・自由への闘い 詳細 高橋奈緒子 / 東ティモールに自由を!全国協議会 1999 SEA / 319.8 75p
5307 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights : fifty years and beyond 詳細 ed. by Yael Danieli, Elsa Stamatopoulou, Clarence J. Dias ; foreword by Kofi A.Annan ; epilogue by Mary Robinson / Baywood Pub. Co. 1999 G / 316.1 xxii、 465 p
5308 学校教育指針 詳細 大阪市教育委員会 編 / 大阪市教育委員会 1999 J / 373.2 / 1999 44p
5309 The echo of Kuwaiti creativity : a colleciton of translated Kuwaiti poetry 詳細 by Haifa Ai Sanousi / Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait 1999 WA / 929 128 p
5310 民族教育と共生社会 : 阪神教育闘争50周年集会の記録 詳細 民族教育ネットワーク / 東方出版 1999 J / 376.9 99p
5311 Towards an ASEAN human rights mechanism : proposals, declarations and related documents 詳細 editoiral board, Carlos P. Medina, Jr. ...et al. / Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism 1999 SEA / 327.7 iv、 93 p
5312 National human rights institutions at work: the role of national human rights commissions in the promotion and protection of economic, social and cultural rights 詳細 Canadian Human Rights Foundation, Philippine Commission on Human Rights / Canadian Human Rights Foundation, Philippine Commission on Human Rights 1999 AP / 327.7 224 p
5313 Human rights and economic globalisation : directions for the WTO 詳細 ed. by Malini Mehra / Gloval Publications Foundation 1999 G / 670 263 p
5314 A manual for seminars and workshops on CEDAW : between their stories and our realities... 詳細 Developed by Gloria Schuster, Ivana Martinez , Julie Madore / People's Decade of Human Rights Eduction(PDHRE) 1999 G / 367.1 70 p
5315 The East Asian challenge for human rights 詳細 ed. by Joanne R. Bauer, Daniel A. Bell / Cambridge University Press 1999 AP / 316.1 xiii、 394 p
5316 Broken people : Caste violence against India's Untouchables 詳細 Human Rights Watch / Human Rights Watch 1999 SA / 361.8 291 p
5317 Broken people : Caste violence against India's Untouchables 詳細 Human Rights Watch / Human Rights Watch 1999 SA / 361.8 291 p
5318 Philosophy of human rights and emerging perspectives : Western versus the Eastern concept of human rights : the ASEAN scenario : a public forum 詳細 ed. by Criselda S. Martin / Institute of Human Rights, University of the Philippines Law Center 1999 AP / 316.1 72 p
5319 The East Asian challenge for human rights 詳細 ed. by Joanne R. Bauer, Daniel A. Bell / Cambridge University Press 1999 AP / 316.1 xiii、 394 p
5320 Philippine peace and human rights review 詳細 Institute of Human Rights, University of the Philippines Law Center / Institute of Human Rights, University of the Philippines Law Center 1999 SEA / 316.1 / 1999 331 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 次へ≫