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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
5401 Health and human rights : a reader 詳細 ed. by Jonathan M. mann, / Routledge 1999 G / 490 505 p
5402 Comparative study of the 1987, 1973 and 1935 Philipine constitutions 詳細 Carmelo V. Sison / University of the Philippiness Law Center 1999 SEA / 323 218 p
5403 Report : PRWWO 3days national seminar on organinzing-unorganized workers : 25th to 27th April, 1999 詳細 Punjab Rural Workers Welfare Organization (PRWWO) 1999 SA / 366.3 38 p
5404 An Introduction to the Buraku Issue : questions and answers 詳細 by Suehiro Kitaguchi ; Translated with an Introduction by Alastair McLauchlan / Japan Library 1999 J / 361.8 viii、 213 p
5405 AIDS reports : investigating an epidemic : collection of media reports from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Thailand 詳細 editional coodinators, Kunda Dixit, Aruni John, Bhim Subba / Panos Institute South Asia 1999 SA / 369.9 96 p
5406 Participation of women in political life : an assessment of developments in national parliaments, political parties, governments and the inter-parliamentary union, five years after the Fourth World Conference on Women 詳細 Inter-parliamentary Union 1999 G / 367.2 74 p
5407 ねぇなんで 詳細 冬生 文・絵 / 松原市人権啓発推進会議 1999 J / 316.1 14p
5408 A new tool to combat the Worst Forms of Child Labour ILO Convention 182 詳細 International Labour Office 1999 G / 367.6 16 p
5409 Indigenous peoples : towards a permanent U.N. forum : after two decades of deliberations 詳細 International Service for Human Rights 1999 G / 316.8 62 p
5410 Discovery book 詳細 BACHA Education for Life Center 1999 G / 371.5 39 p
5411 被差別部落の青春 詳細 角岡伸彦 / 講談社 1999 J / 361.8 262p
5412 Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. : the power of nonviolent action 詳細 Mary King / UNESCO Pub. 1999 G / 319.8 xvii、 529 p
5413 An international comparative study of school curriculum 詳細 National Institute for Educational Research (NIER) / National Institute for Educational Research (NIER) 1999 G / 372 512 p
5414 福岡県「子ども会議」版子どもの人権宣言 詳細 [福岡県「子ども会議」実行委員会 編] / 福岡県「子ども会議」 1999 J / 369.4 19p
5415 BWHC Report 詳細 Bangladesh Women's Health Coalition(BWHC) 1999 SA / 367.2 / 1999 68 p
5416 Peace education module : for elementary level 詳細 Department of Education, Culture and Sports 1999 SEA / 375 xiii、 161 p
5417 The Local Government Code : an assessment : papers and proceedings of the roundtable discussion held on November 19-20, 1998 at second floor Conference Room, Bocobo Hall, U. P. Law Center, Diliman, Quezon City 詳細 ed. by Rommel J. Casis / Institute of Government and Law Reform, University of the Philippines Law Center 1999 SEA / 318 263 p
5418 21世紀に向けた人権教育の挑戦 : 世界人権宣言50周年記念 : アジア・太平洋人権教育国際会議報告書 詳細 世界人権宣言50周年記念アジア・太平洋人権教育国際会議大阪実行委員会 編 / 世界人権宣言50周年記念アジア・太平洋人権教育国際会議大阪実行委員会 1999 G / 371.5 127p
5419 A rights-based approach towards budget analysis 詳細 Maria Socorro I. Diokno / International Human Rights Internship Program (IHRIP) 1999 G / 317.2 34 p
5420 Human rights and you : basic United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and Council of Europe Human Rights documents 詳細 compiled and ed. by Frederick Quinn / OSCE/ODIHR 1999 G / 329.2 iv、 252 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 次へ≫