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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
5421 10 years : 財団法人岩手県国際交流協会設立10周年記念誌 詳細 岩手県国際交流協会 / 岩手県国際交流協会 1999 J / 377.6 20p
5422 The Philippine - Belgian pilot project against trafficking in women 詳細 a consolidated report by the Ateneo de Manila University and the Women's Education, Development, Productivity and Research Organization(Wedpro), Inc. / Ateneo Human Rights Center 1999 E / 368.4 vii、 223 p
5423 Voice of the hungry nation 詳細 [by]People's Tribunal on Food Scarcity and Militarization in Burma / Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) 1999 SEA / 316.1 145 p
5424 Looming crackdown in Burma : includes chronology 1st April -31st August, '99 詳細 Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (Altsean Burma) 1999 SEA / 316.1 56 p
5425 Shrapnel silence & sand 詳細 by Cecil Rajendra / Bogle-L'ouverture Press 1999 SEA / 929 90 p
5426 Human rights and women : with emphasis on protection under International Conventions and Philippine laws : a public forum 詳細 ed. by Louella A. Faigao-calixtro / Institute of Human Rights, University of the Philippines Law Center 1999 SEA / 367.2 130 p
5427 An experiment in building a regional organisation : a personal reflection 詳細 by D.J. Ravindran / Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum- Asia) 1999 AP / 316.1 35 p
5428 The power of human rights : international norms and domestic change 詳細 ed. by Thomas Risse Stephen C. Ropp and Kathryn Sikkink / Cambridge University Press 1999 G / 316.1 xii、 318 p
5429 Human rights perspectives 詳細 ed. by Tan Ngoh Tiong & Kripa Sridharan / United Nations Association of Singapore 1999 SEA / 316.1 163 p
5430 Manual for paralegals : violence against women 詳細 prepared by Women's Unit, Sentro Ng Alternatibong Lingap Panlegal / Sentro Ng Alternatibong Lingap Panlegal (SALIGAN) 1999 SEA / 367.2 133 p
5431 Guide to R.A. 8371 : Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act of 1997 [IPRA] 詳細 by PANLIPI(Legal Assistance Center for Indigenous Filipinos), ECIP(Episcopal Commission for Indigenous Peoples, and) / Coalition for Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Ancestral Domains in cooperation with International Labor Organization Manila Office and BILANCE-Asia Department 1999 SEA / 316.8 88 p
5432 府政に関する世論調査 : 報告書 詳細 大阪府府民情報室 1999 J / 318.5 / 81 118p
5433 Quality assurance in mental health 詳細 National Human Rights Commission 1999 SA / 490 ix, 364 p
5434 State of the art forensic sciences : for better criminal justice 詳細 National Human Rights Commission 1999 SA / 327 x, 106 p
5435 On common ground 詳細 Equal Opportunities Commission 1999 EA / 316.1 62 p
5436 Kaleidoscope 詳細 Neelam Hussain, Anjana Raza ; illustlated by Anjana Raza, Murad Khan Mumtaz, Kausar Sheikh, Anjana Raza, Neelam Hussain / Simorgh Women's Resorce and Publication Centre 1999 SA / 316.1 75 p
5437 Performance and legitimacy : national human rights institutions : Draft report August 1999 詳細 International Council on Human Rights Policy / International Council on Human Rights Policy 1999 G / 327.7 98 p
5438 Human Rights Internet Reporter : special issue on human rights education 詳細 Human Rights Internet 1999 G / 375 1 v
5439 人権の海へ人権の未来へ : 弁護士が語り合う「暮らしと人権」 詳細 大阪弁護士会 編 / ブレーンセンター 1999 J / 316.1 131p
5440 21世紀に向けた人権教育の挑戦 : 世界人権宣言50周年記念 : アジア・太平洋人権教育国際会議報告書 詳細 世界人権宣言50周年記念アジア・太平洋人権教育国際会議大阪実行委員会 編 / 世界人権宣言50周年記念アジア・太平洋人権教育国際会議大阪実行委員会 1999 G / 371.5 127p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 次へ≫