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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
6361 NGOが創る世界の人権 : ウィーン宣言の使い方 詳細 世界人権会議NGO連絡会 編 : 江橋崇 監修 / 明石書店 1996 G / 316.1 298p
6362 Updated Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan, 1996-1998 詳細 Republic of the Philippines / Republic of the Philippines 1996 SEA / 600 1 v (various pagings)
6363 阪神大震災と外国人 : 「多文化共生社会」の現状と可能性 詳細 外国人地震情報センター 編 / 明石書店 1996 J / 334.4 210p
6364 阪神大震災と外国人 : 「多文化共生社会」の現状と可能性 詳細 外国人地震情報センター 編 / 明石書店 1996 J / 334.4 210p
6365 Accountability for international crimes and serious violations of fundamental human rights 詳細 M. Cherif Bassiouni, Special editor ; Madeline H. Morris Faculty editor / Duke University School of Law 1996 G / 329.4 347 p
6366 Human rights for all 詳細 [by] Edward L. O'brien, Eleanor Greene, David Mcquoid-Mason / West Publishing Company 1996 AM / 375 xii、 162 p
6367 Children are people too : a guide to the Convention on the Rights of the Child for students and teachers 詳細 by Daniel O'Donnell ; ed. by Paulynn P. Sicam ; illustrations by Jess Abrera / Anvil Pub. 1996 SEA / 369.4 xiv、 193 p
6368 Barangay Human Rights Action Center : handbook 詳細 a joint project of the Philippine Commission on Human Rights and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung / Philippine Commission on Human Rights 1996 SEA / 327.7 106 p
6369 Educating for human rights : the Philippines and beyond 詳細 Richard Pierre Claude / University of the Philippines Press 1996 AP / 371.5 xii、 274 p
6370 International Labour Conventions and Recommendations 詳細 International Labour Office / International Labour Office 1996 G / 366.1 / 1 660 p
6371 International Labour Conventions and Recommendations 詳細 International Labour Office / International Labour Office 1996 G / 366.1 / 2 643 p
6372 International Labour Conventions and Recommendations 詳細 International Labour Office / International Labour Office 1996 G / 366.1 / 3 466 p
6373 戦争と子どもたち : 武力紛争が子どもにおよぼす影響 詳細 グラサ・マシェル ; 横田洋三 監修 / 国際連合広報センター : 日本ユニセフ協会 1996 G / 367.6 55p
6374 Model national legislation for the guidance of governments in the enactment of further legislation against racial discrimination : Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (1993-2003) 詳細 United Nations 1996 G / 316.8 iii、 12 p
6375 90年代以降の中国の外交 詳細 新星出版社 / 新星出版社 1996 EA / 319 27p
6376 中米関係 協力かそれとも衝突か 詳細 新星出版社 / 新星出版社 1996 EA / 319 29p
6377 The commission of experts established pursuant to security council resolution 780 : investigating violations of international humanitarian law in the former Yugoslavia 詳細 [by] M. Cherif Bassiouni / International Human Rights Law Institute 1996 E / 329.6 70 p
6378 People or peoples; : equality, autonomy and self-determination : the issues at stake of the international decade of the world's indigenous people 詳細 International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (ICHRDD) 1996 G / 316.8 199 p
6379 ISEAS annual report : 1995-96 詳細 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 1996 SEA / 302 121 p
6380 The rise and fall of economic liberalism : the making of the economic gulag 詳細 Frederic F. Clairmont / The Other India Press, Third World Network 1996 G / 333.6 356 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 次へ≫