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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
6421 Lesson plans to be incorporated into the Hong Kong English curriculum 詳細 editor, Angela Lee ; authors, Jackie Decker, Ritu Melwani, Gia Sadhwani / Amnesty International Hong Kong Section 1996 EA / 375.8 iii、 49 p
6422 Learning to participate : human rights, citizenship and development in the local community 詳細 written by Audrey Osler / Development Education Centre 1996 E / 371.5 54 p
6423 The rights of the child 詳細 Centre for Human Rights, United Nations 1996 G / 316.1 / 10-1 53 p
6424 あらゆる人権の国際的保障をめざして : NGOの活躍と個人通報制度 : 近弁連第39回日弁連人権大会プレシンポジウム 詳細 近畿弁護士連合会 1996 J / 329.2 247p
6425 Labor and employment statistical report : first quarter 1996 詳細 Department of Labor and Employment, Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics / Department of Labor and Employment, Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics 1996 SEA / 366.2 40 p
6426 アジアの交差点 : 在日外国人と地域社会 詳細 会沢勲 編 / 社会評論社 1996 J / 334.4 304p
6427 Compendium : women and habitat 詳細 I. C. de Vries, S. Keuzenkamp / Department of Spatial Planning, Faculty of Policy Sciences, University of Nijmegen 1996 G / 367.1 160 p
6428 Sexual violence : an invisible weapon of war in the former Yugoslavia 詳細 by M. Cherif Bassiouni, Marcia McCormick / International Human Rights Law Institute, DePaul University 1996 E / 319.8 48 p
6429 New Zealand-Asia policy consultation on human rights, sovereignty and migration 詳細 New Zealand Asia Institute, University of Auckland 1996 AP / 334.4 1 v
6430 世界自然保護基金 詳細 ピーター・デントン|| ; 乾侑美子 訳 / 偕成社 1996 G / 319.9 / 5 106p
6431 アジア諸国における人権の総合的研究 詳細 [外務省国際情報局調査室] 1996 AP / 316.1 83p
6432 NGO Human Rights Congress 1995 : beyond Vienna : Uppsala 16-21 June, 1995 : finalreport 詳細 ed. by Agneta Johansson and Anna Karin Lindblom / [S.n.] 1996 G / 316.1 156 p
6433 The small hands of slavery : bonded child labor in India 詳細 Human Rights Watch Children's Rights Project, Human Rights Watch/Asia / Human Rights Watch 1996 SA / 367.6 179 p
6434 'Life is not ours' -人生我らのものならず- : land and human rights in the chittagong hill tracts, Bangladesh : update. 日本語版 詳細 Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission(チッタゴン丘陵問題対策会議) 編訳 / Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission(チッタゴン丘陵問題対策会議) 1996 SA / 361.8 46p
6435 The constitutional case law of Japan, 1970 through 1990 詳細 Lawrence W. Beer and Hiroshi Itoh / University of Washington Press 1996 J / 323 xiv、 688 p
6436 我が国の政府開発援助 : ODA白書 詳細 外務省経済協力局 編 / 国際協力推進協会 1996 J / 333.8 / 1996 414p
6437 The rights of migrant workers 詳細 Centre for Human Rights / United Nations 1996 G / 316.1 / 24 67 p
6438 Advisory services and technical cooperation in the field of human rights 詳細 United Nations Centre for Human Rights / Centre for Human Rights 1996 G / 316.1 / 3 23 p
6439 The rights of every Filipino child : karapatan ng bawat batang Pilipino 詳細 UNICEF 1996 SEA / 369.4 22 p
6440 Seminar on Human Rights Education : statement 詳細 National Human Rights Commission 1996 SA / 371.5 1 v

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 次へ≫