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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
6441 Cambodian Institute of Human Rights : annual report 詳細 Cambodian Institute of Human Rights 1996 SEA / 316.1 30 p
6442 北京世界女性会議1周年記念シンポジウム : 北京から日本へ : 女性たちのエンパワーメント 詳細 北京JAC (Beijing Japan Accountability Caucus) 1996 J / 367.2 65p
6443 Report and proceedings of the workshop on the use of Urban Forums as consultative mechanisms for urban planning and policy making 詳細 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(ESCAP), United Nations 1996 AP / 361.9 iii, 49 p
6444 Dacade report 1987-1996 詳細 [Commission on Human Rights of the Phillippines] 1996 SEA / 327.7 30 leaves
6445 Asian South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education : 2nd General Assembly 詳細 [ASPBAE (Asian South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education)] 1996 AP / 379 1 v
6446 Superannuation guidelines : based on the Human Rights Act 1993 詳細 New Zealand Human Rights Commission : Race Relations Office 1996 P / 369.2 36 p
6447 Our book...of child rights 詳細 Written by Kathy Keirle Ali, Zulfiqar Ali / Human Rights Education Programme(HREP) 1996 SA / 375 24 p
6448 The historical pretext for the occupation of Kuwait 詳細 author, Muhammad Ali Abideen ; translated by M.S. Khalili / Dar Al-Mostafa 1996 WA / 319.8 122 p
6449 National Human Rights Commission : annual report 詳細 National Human Rights Commission 1996 SA / 327.7 103 p
6450 Barangay Human Rights Action Center : handbook 詳細 Philippine Commission on Human Rights 1996 SEA / 327.7 107 p
6451 Seminar on Human Rights Education and National Institutions 詳細 Canadian Human Rights Foundation 1996 SA / 371.5 v, 197 p
6452 International NGO Forum on human rights in China : towards upholding universality of human rights 詳細 Amnesty International Pilipinas (AIP) : Forum-Asia 1996 EA / 316.1 1 v
6453 同胞◆人権◆生活 : 在日本朝鮮人人権協会会報 詳細 在日本朝鮮人人権協会 1996 J / 316.8 96p
6454 The Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights : annual report 詳細 National Commision on Human Rights (Indonesia) 1996 SEA / 327.7 / 1996 iii, 59 p
6455 国際連合 詳細 マイケル・ポラード ; 日暮雅通 訳 / 偕成社 1996 G / 319.9 / 1 106p
6456 Report of the Forth World Conference on Women 詳細 United Nations 1996 G / 367.2 iv, 216 p
6457 Asian women in migration 詳細 ed. by Graziano Battistella, Anthony Paganoni / Scalabrini Migration Center 1996 SEA / 334.4 vii, 191 p
6458 外国人と法 詳細 手塚和彰 / 有斐閣 1995 J / 334.4 323p
6459 子どもをいじめから救うために : 家族臨床と非行臨床からの提言 詳細 野田 愛子 監修 / 日本評論社 1995 21.06 184p
6460 音 詳細 大阪人権博物館 編 / 大阪人権博物館 1995 J / 361.8 54p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 次へ≫