ヒューライツ大阪 所蔵図書検索

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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
6721 Conference in NGO Forum on Women Beijing : gender equity in education and training for women in Korea : strategy for coping with cultural stereotying in education 詳細 [by] Kim Jea-In / [Korean Women's Development Institute] 1995 EA / 371.5 37 p
6722 Mortgaging women's lives : feminist critiques of structural adjustment 詳細 ed. by Pamela Sparr / Zed Books 1995 0 x、 214 p
6723 21世紀の都市社会学 詳細 奥田 道大 / 勁草書房 1995 0 281p
6724 Dalit solidarity 詳細 ed. by Bhagwan das, James Massey / Ispck 1995 23.04 xvi、 221 p
6725 World Summit for Social Development : the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action : 6-12 March 1995 詳細 Dept. of Public Information, United Nations 1995 G / 361.9
6726 Tajikistan : a forgotten civil war 詳細 by Nassim Jawad and Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh / Minority Rights Group 1995 CA / 319.8 30 p
6727 性の奴隷 : 従軍慰安婦 詳細 ジョージ・ヒックス ; 浜田徹 訳 / 三一書房 1995 EA / 367.2 295p
6728 Congregation of the condemned : voices against the death penalty 詳細 with essays by Edward Kennedy ... [et al.] ; ed. by Shirley Dicks / Prometheus Books 1995 AM / 326 290 p
6729 Knowledge and identity : articulation of gender in educational discourse in Pakistan 詳細 Rubina Saigol / Asr Publications 1995 SA / 367.2 ix、 309 p
6730 Gender, poverty and employment : turning capabilities into entitlements 詳細 International Labour Office (ILO) / International Labour Office (ILO) 1995 G / 367.2 70 p
6731 Education for conflict resolution : teachers' guide for primary grades 詳細 Editor, M.P.M.M. Sibli / Department of Primary Education of the National Institute of Education 1995 SA / 375 iv、 51 p
6732 Women's rights as human rights : a training manual 詳細 written by : Janine Hicks...[et al.] ; ed. and designed by : Deborah Ewing / Hlomelikusasa 1995 AF / 367.2 50 p
6733 United Nations role in maintaining international peace and security : Kuwait-Iraq case study 詳細 Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait 1995 WA / 319.8 278 p
6734 Violation of the child's human rights 詳細 Compiled by Marita Ishwaran ; ed. by Caroline D'Souza, Jaya Menon / Justice and Peace commission 1995 SA / 371.5 vii, 42, ix-xii p
6735 Self-determination of peoples : a legal reappraisal 詳細 Antonio Cassese / Cambridge University Press 1995 G / 329.1 375 p
6736 国連人権教育の10年 : 人権文化の花を咲かせよう 詳細 ヒューライツ大阪(アジア・太平洋人権情報センター) 編 / ヒューライツ大阪(アジア・太平洋人権情報センター) 1995 G / 316.1 21p
6737 Our human rights : a manual for women's human rights 詳細 written by Julie Mertus in collaboration with Mallika Dutt, Nancy Flowers / [Organizing Committee for the People's Decade for Human Rights Education] 1995 G / 367.2 xvi、 144 p
6738 Culture in development and globalization : proceedings of a series of symposia held at Nongkhai, Hanoi and Tokyo 詳細 ed. by Makita Toichi / Toyota Foundation 1995 AP / 302 509 p
6739 Boss : 5 case studies of local politics in the Philippines 詳細 with articles by Sheila S. Coronel ... [et al.] ; Jose F. Lacaba, editor / Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Institute for Popular Democracy 1995 SEA / 312 xxxi、 167 p
6740 Critical issues in Asian development : theories, experiences and policies 詳細 ed. by M.G. Quibria / Oxford University Press 1995 AP / 361.9 260 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 次へ≫