ヒューライツ大阪 所蔵図書検索

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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
7021 いっしょに学ぼう : 学びかた・教えかたハンドブック 詳細 スーザン・ファウンテン ; 国際理解教育・資料情報センター 編訳 / 国際理解教育・資料情報センター 1994 E / 375 112p
7022 Human rights of women : national and international perspectives 詳細 ed. by Rebecca J. Cook / University of Pennsylvania Press 1994 G / 367.2 xiv、 634 p
7023 Twenty-five human rights documents 詳細 Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University / Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University 1994 G / 329.2 220 p
7024 Democracy for all : education towards a democratic culture 詳細 David Mcquoid-mason ... [et al.] / Juta in association with Street Law, Lawyers for Human Rights(LHR) 1994 G / 371.5 131 p
7025 Khmers stand up! : a history of the Cambodian government 1970-1975 詳細 Justin J. Corfield / Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University 1994 SEA / 312 xvii、 253 p
7026 Making revolution : the insurgency of the communist party of Thailand in structural perspective 詳細 Tom Marks / White Lotus 1994 SEA / 312 xiii、 327 p
7027 Axiology and teleology of the epistemology, missiology, and praxiology of human rights 詳細 by Reynaldo R. Ty / Program Unit on Human Rights of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines 1994 G / 316.1 vi、 45 p、 1 folded leaf
7028 Monitoring human rights : manual for assessing country performance 詳細 Alvert J.Jongman, Alex P.Schmid / PIOOM 1994 G / 316.1 347 p
7029 A field of one's own : gender and land rights in South Asia 詳細 Bina Agarwal / Foundation Books 1994 SA / 367.2 xxi、 572 p
7030 Women of Japan and Korea : Korean women 詳細 ed. by Joyce Gelb and Marian Lief Palley / Temple University Press 1994 EA / 367.2 p[189]-p308
7031 Annual report 詳細 Sasakawa Peace Foundation 1994 G / 319.1 / 1994 51 p
7032 わたしななちゃんで?す 詳細 大阪市人権啓発推進協議会 編 / 大阪市人権啓発推進協議会 1994 J / 371.5 / 3 18p
7033 Freedom of religion in India 詳細 P.D. Mathew / Indian Social Institute 1994 SA / I316.1 24 p
7034 Immoral traffic prevention act 1986 (Amended S.I.T. Act) 詳細 Seema Midha / Indian Social Institute 1994 SA / 368.4 22 p
7035 The law to protect human rights in India 詳細 P.D. Mathew / Indian Social Institute 1994 SA / 327.7 58 p
7036 Annual report 詳細 Law & Society Trust 1994 SA / 371.5 / 1993 24 p
7037 Economic cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion : toward implementation 詳細 Asian Development Bank 1994 SEA / 333.8 xvii、 406 p
7038 Asia-Pacific States and human rights : human rights forum 詳細 Philippine Human Rights Information Center 1994 AP / 316.1 iii、 126 p
7039 Modyul sa pagtuturong karapatang pantao para sa paaralang elementarya 詳細 editor-in-chief, Ma. Serena I. Diokno / Jose W. Diokno Foundation 1994 SEA / 375 ?、 65 p
7040 Report on activities of the Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG) 詳細 Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG) 1994 SEA / 327.1 / 1994 19 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 次へ≫