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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
7421 In the defense of human rights : human rights forum 詳細 Philippine Human Rights Information Center 1993 SEA / 316.1 iii, 90 p
7422 Muslim women : problems and prospects 詳細 ed. by Zakia A. Siddiqi, Anwar Jahan Zuberi / M D Publications 1993 23.04 x、 158 p
7423 The politics of ethnic conflict regulation : case studies of protracted ethnic conflicts 詳細 ed. by John Mcgarry and Brendan o'leary / Routledge 1993 0 x、 321 p
7424 Ethnic conflict and international security 詳細 Michael E. Brown, Editor / Princeton University Press 1993 0 ix、 276 p
7425 Our sea our life : proceedings of the seminar workshop on community-based coastal resources management 詳細 editor: Lenore Polotan-de la Cruz / Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) 1993 SEA / 361.7 95 p
7426 性差と文化 詳細 有馬朗人 [ほか] / 東京大学出版会 1993 0 297p
7427 Protecting the dispossessed : a challenge for the international community 詳細 Francis M. Deng / Brookings Institution 1993 0 xii、 175 p
7428 Ethnic variations in dying, death, and grief : diversity in universality 詳細 ed. by Donald P. Irish, Kathleen F. Lundquist, Vivian Jenkins Nelsen / Taylor & Francis 1993 0 xxii、 226 p
7429 Sustaining relief with development : strategic issues for the red cross and red crescent 詳細 by Ian Mcallister / M. Nijhoff 1993 0 xvi、 257 p
7430 Peoples of the world. : the culture, geographical setting, and historical background of 34 Eastern European peoples 詳細 Joyce Moss, George Wilson / Gale Research 1993 0 415 p
7431 「従軍慰安婦」問題と性暴力 詳細 鈴木裕子 / 未来社 1993 21.06 238p
7432 Human rights and Europe 詳細 by Ralph Beddard / Grotius Pub. 1993 60 xxv、 278 p
7433 転換期としての現代世界 : 地域から何が見えるか 詳細 中嶋嶺雄, 清水透 編 / 国際書院 1993 20 346p
7434 在留外国人統計 詳細 入管協会 / 入管協会 1993 J / 329.9 / 1993 6、 133p
7435 Palestinian autonomy, self-government & peace 詳細 Harvey Sicherman / Westview Press 1993 30.13 xv、 188 p
7436 歴史の島々 詳細 マ-シャル・サ-リンズ [] ; 山本真鳥 訳 / 法政大学出版局 1993 24 263、 38p
7437 The Inuit (Eskimo) of Canada 詳細 by Ian Creery / Minority Rights Group 1993 AM / 316.8 31 p
7438 Seeking peace from chaos : humanitarian intervention in Somalia 詳細 [by] Samuel M. Makinda / Lynne Rienner 1993 AF / 312 92 p
7439 Japanese women supporting ww? sexual enslavement victims 詳細 Association of Anti-prostitution Activity / Association of Anti-prostitution Activity 1993 21.06 26 p
7440 Impact of Islamic penal laws on the traditional Arab society 詳細 A.A.K. Sherwani / Md Publications 1993 31 95 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 次へ≫