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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
7721 Colloquy on democracy and economic development in the Asia-Pacific region : the role of parliamentary institutions : colloquy report 詳細 [by] Strasbourg conference on parliamentary democracy / Council of Europe 1992 AP / 314 ii、 123 p
7722 Survey of activities : 1959-1991 詳細 [by] European Court of Human Rights / Council of Europe 1992 E / 327.1 1 v
7723 Human rights in Asia : the struggle for human dignity 詳細 Just World Trust(JUST) 1992 AP / 316.1 12 p
7724 Unlocking the system : strategies for community workers in Victoria 詳細 Human Rights Australia 1992 P / 327.7 194 p
7725 Chinese women through Chinese eyes 詳細 Li Yu-ning, Editor / M.E. Sharpe 1992 21.02 xxx、 251 p
7726 Multiculturalism in the United States : a comparative guide to acculturation and ethnicity 詳細 ed. by John D. Buenker and Lorman A. Ratner / Greenwood Press 1992 54.02 vi、 271 p
7727 司法への攻撃 : 裁判官と弁護士に対するいやがらせと迫害 詳細 自由人権協会 / 自由人権協会 1992 0 34p
7728 Wage labor and social change : the proletariat in Asia and the Pacific 詳細 ed. by Michael Pinches and Salim Lakha / New Day 1992 20 vii、 283 p
7729 現代の差別を考える 詳細 全国同和教育研究協議会事務局 編 / 全国同和教育研究協議会 1992 J / 316.1 / 2 224p
7730 Ethnic minorities and industrial change in Europe and North America 詳細 ed. by Malcolm Cross / Cambridge University Press 1992 54 xvii、 341 p
7731 Urban poverty : the case of the railway squatters 詳細 Social Reserch Center, University of Santo Tomas / Social Reserch Center, University of Santo Tomas 1992 22.08 152 p
7732 Local politics in rural malaysia : patterns of change in sungai raya 詳細 Marvin L. Rogers / Westview Press 1992 22.07 xiii、 150 p
7733 Unmasking a giant 詳細 ed. by Cornelia H. Aldana-benitez / Ibon Philippines 1992 22.08 74 p
7734 On sovereignty : four chapters from the six books of the commonwealth 詳細 Jean Bodin / Cambridge University Press 1992 0 xlv、 141 p
7735 The challenges of change : report of the Helsinki follow-up meeting of the Conference on Security and co-operation in Europe (CSCE) 詳細 by Rachel Brett / Human Rights Centre, University of Essex 1992 E / 316.1 57 p
7736 The status of refugees in Asia 詳細 Vitit Muntarbhorn / New York : 1992 20 viii、 217 p
7737 Language and discrimination : a study of communication in multi-ethnic workplaces 詳細 Celia Roberts, Evelyn Davies, and Tom Jupp / Longman 1992 0 xvi、 422 p
7738 Economic reform and internationalisation : China and the Pacific region 詳細 ed. by Ross Garnaut, Liu Guoguang / Allen & Unwin, in Association with the Pacific Trade & Development Conference Secretariat, the Australian National University 1992 21.02 xv、 403 p
7739 Human rights in cross-cultural perspectives : a quest for consensus 詳細 ed. by Abdullahi Ahmed An-naim / University of Pennsylvania Press 1992 0 vii、 479 p
7740 Refugees : rationing the right to life : the crisis in emergency relief 詳細 David Keen / Zed Books 1992 0 viii、 86 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 次へ≫