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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
7741 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child : a guide to the Travaux preparatoires 詳細 compiled and edited by Sharon Detrick ; contributors, Jaap Doek and Nigel Cantwell ; with a preface by Jan Martenson / M. Nijhoff Publishers 1992 0 x、 712 p
7742 Deforestation in the postwar Philippines 詳細 David M. Kummer / Ateneo de Manila University Press 1992 22.08 xvi、 177 p
7743 The international politics of South Asia 詳細 Vernon Marston Hewitt / Manchester University Press 1992 23.04 xii、 243 p
7744 部落解放研究 : 全国集会 : 討議資料 詳細 [部落解放研究第26回全国集会中央実行委員会] / [部落解放研究第26回全国集会中央実行委員会] 1992 J / 361.8 / 26 266p
7745 Basic documents on human rights 詳細 ed. by Ian Brownlie / Clarendon Press 1992 0 x、 631 p
7746 イスラム熱 : 西欧的価値観からの脱却 詳細 林茂雄 / 柏書房 1992 0 148p
7747 The 1987 constitution of the Philippines with highlights of the new constitution 詳細 Prepared by Jose N. Nolledo / National Book Store 1992 22.08 xxix、 79 p
7748 Education for cultural diversity : convergence and divergence 詳細 ed. by James Lynch, Celia Modgil, Sohan Modgil / Falmer 1992 G / 375 / 1 ix、 472 p
7749 Foreigners out : xenophobia and right-wing violence in Germany 詳細 Helsinki Watch : Human Rights Watch 1992 E / 316.8 i、 41 p
7750 人権とは? : 国際人権規約と日本 詳細 友永健三 / 部落解放研究所 1992 0 95p
7751 Human rights and statistics : getting the record straight 詳細 ed. by Thomas B. Jabine and Richard P. Claude / University of Pennsylvania Press 1992 0 xvii、 458 p
7752 The reform of the United Nations 詳細 Joachim W. Muller / Oceana Publications 1992 G / 319.9 / 2 xi、 586 p
7753 Yearbook on human rights for 1987 詳細 United Nations / United Nations 1992 0 xiii、 172 p
7754 The rights of the child and the changing image of childhood 詳細 by Philip E. Veerman / Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1992 0 xvi、 655 p
7755 Contemporary religions : a world guide 詳細 [ed. by] Ian Harris ... [et al.] / Longman 1992 0 xii、 511 p
7756 Ritual masks : deceptions and revelations 詳細 by Henry Pernet ; Translated by Laura Grillo / University of South Carolina Press 1992 0 x、 201 p
7757 The Committee Against Torture 詳細 United Nations Centre for Human Rights / United Nations Centre for Human Rights 1992 G / 316.1 / 17 38 p
7758 The environmental effects of stabilization and structural adjustment programs : the Philippines case 詳細 Wilfrido Cruz, Robert Repetto / World Resources Institute 1992 22.08 viii、 90 p
7759 Language, religion, and ethnic assertiveness : the growth of sinhalese nationalism in Sri Lanka 詳細 K.N.O. Dharmadasa / University of Michigan Press 1992 23.08 366 p
7760 The Pacific century : America and Asia in a changing world 詳細 Frank Gibney / C. Scribner's Sons 1992 EA / 220 xi、 596 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 次へ≫