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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
7881 The international law and practice of early-warning and preventive diplomacy : the emerging global watch 詳細 by B.G. Ramcharan / Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1991 0 viii、 185 p
7882 The internationalization of human rights 詳細 David P. Forsythe / Lexington Books 1991 0 x、 209 p
7883 Conditions of work digest 詳細 International Labour Office / International Labour Office 1991 0 ix、 224 p
7884 Group rights and discrimination in international law 詳細 by Natan Lerner / M. Nijhoff 1991 0 xiv、 181 p
7885 Women and disability 詳細 Prepared by Esther Boylan / Zed Books 1991 0 xi、 111 p
7886 Study on the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities 詳細 by Francesco Capotorti / United Nations 1991 G / 316.8 vii、 114 p
7887 Women, households and change 詳細 ed. by Eleonora Masini and Susan Stratigos / United Nations University Press 1991 0 xvi、 241 p
7888 Protecting working children 詳細 ed. by William E. Myers / Zed Books in Association with United Nations Children's Fund 1991 0 xi、 173 p
7889 Free speech and national security 詳細 ed. by Shimon Shetreet / M. Nijhoff Publishers 1991 0 xxi、 236 p
7890 Children, culture, and ethnicity : evaluating and understanding the impact 詳細 Maureen B. Slonim / Garland Pub. 1991 0 xiv、 275 p
7891 The world's women, 1970-1990 : trends and statistics 詳細 United Nations / United Nations 1991 0 xiv、 120 p
7892 Providing food security for all 詳細 Mohiuddin Alamgir and Poonam Arora ; with a Foreword by Idriss Jazairy / Published for the International Fund for Agricultural Development by New York University Press 1991 0 xxi、 269 p
7893 Religion under socialism in China 詳細 Luo Zhufeng, editor ; Translated by Donald E. Macinnis and Zheng Xi'an ; with an Introduction by Donald E. Macinnis ; with a Foreword by K.H. Ting / M.E. Sharpe 1991 21.02 xxiii、 254 p
7894 Muslim Chinese : ethnic nationalism in the people's republic 詳細 Dru C. Gladney / Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University : 1991 21.02 xxiv、 473 p
7895 Population and development planning in China 詳細 ed. by Wang Jiye and Terence H. Hull / Allen & Unwin 1991 21.02 xx、 311 p
7896 The east Asian region : confucian heritage and its modern adaptation 詳細 ed. by Gilbert Rozman / Princeton University Press 1991 21 x、 235 p
7897 Assimilation of Buddhism in Korea : religious maturity and innovation in the silla dynasty 詳細 ed. by Lewis R. Lancaster and C.S. Yu / Asian Humanities Press 1991 21.05 viii、 250 p
7898 Human rights for all education towards a rights culture 詳細 David McQuoid-Mason / Juta 1991 G / 371.5 120 p
7899 少年警察活動と子どもの人権 : 子どもの健全な成長を願って 詳細 日本弁護士連合会少年法「改正」対策本部 / 日本評論社 1991 21.06 221p
7900 Contemporary forms of slavery 詳細 United Nations Centre for Human Rights / Centre for Human Rights 1991 G / 316.1 / 14 15 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 次へ≫