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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
8181 Human rights accountability of transnational corporations 詳細 V. Gauri Shanker / Huriter 1990 0 12 p
8182 Human rights in a changing world 詳細 Antonio Cassese / Temple University Press 1990 0 vi、 245 p
8183 Averting the apocalypse : social movements in India today 詳細 Arthur Bonner / Duke University Press 1990 23.04 vi、 467 p
8184 West papua : plunder in paradise 詳細 Anti-slavery Society / Anti-slavery Society 1990 22.05 96 p
8185 The rights of the child 詳細 Centre for Human Rights, United Nations 1990 G / 316.1 / 10 32 p
8186 地球温暖化による社会影響 : 米国epaレポ-ト抄訳 詳細 地球温暖化影響研究会 編 / 技報堂出版 1990 0 332p
8187 Hindu nationalism and Indian politics : the origins and development of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh 詳細 B.D. Graham / Cambridge University Press 1990 23.04 xii、 283 p
8188 Democracy and discontent : India's growing crisis of governability 詳細 Atul Kohli / Cambridge University Press 1990 23.04 xi、 420 p
8189 Beyond Apartheid : labour and liberation in South Africa 詳細 Robert Fine with Dennis Davis / Pluto Press 1990 44.14 xiii、 338 p
8190 Present conditions in Tibet 詳細 Office of Information & International Relations 1990 EA / 312 95 p
8191 The protection of human rights in Europe 詳細 [by] Directorate of Human Rights / Council of Europe 1990 E / 327.7 18 p
8192 Cries for democracy : writings and speeches from the 1989 Chinese democracy movement 詳細 ed. by Han Minzhu ; Assistant editor Hua Sheng / Princeton University Press 1990 21.02 xxiv、 401 p
8193 Ethnic groups across national boundaries in mainland Southeast Asia 詳細 ed. by Gehan Wijeyewardene / Social Issues in Southeast Asia, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 1990 22 viii、 192 p
8194 Cultural conflict and adaptation : the case of Hmong children in American society 詳細 Henry T. Trueba, Lila Jacobs, Elizabeth Kirton / Falmer Press 1990 54.02 xxv、 157 p
8195 Indian Muslims : who are they 詳細 K.S. Lal / Voice of India 1990 23.04 161 p
8196 Behind the Tiananmen Massacre : social, political, and economic ferment in China 詳細 Chu-yuan Cheng / Westview Press 1990 EA / 312 xii、 256 p、 [13] p of plates
8197 Human rights : realities and possibilities : Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Yugoslavia, and Hungary 詳細 L.J. Macfarlane / Macmillan 1990 60 xi、 304 p
8198 The age of rights 詳細 Louis Henkin / Columbia University Press 1990 0 xi、 220 p
8199 Beijing spring, 1989 : confrontation and conflict : the basic documents 詳細 Michel Oksenberg, Lawrence R. Sullivan, Marc Lambert, editors ; Introduction by Melanie Manion ; Featuring Death or Rebirth? Tiananmen, the Soul of China by Li Qiao et al., Translated by H.R. Lan and Jerry Dennerline / M.E. Sharpe 1990 21.02 xlii、 403 p
8200 Third world debt : how sustainable are current strategies and solutions? 詳細 ed. by Helen o'neill / F. Cass in Association with the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (Eadi) Geneva 1990 0 143 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 次へ≫