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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
8321 Indochina's refugees : oral histories from laos, Cambodia and Vietnam 詳細 Joanna C. Scott / Mcfarland & Co. 1989 22 xiii、 312 p
8322 インドネシアへの歩み : 庶民が綴るインドネシア現代史 詳細 アスワブ・マハシン [ほか] 編 ; 高取茂 訳 / 井村文化事業社 1989 22.05 406p
8323 Who is a Sikh? : the problem of Sikh identity 詳細 W.H. Mcleod / Clarendon Press 1989 23.04 viii、 140 p
8324 Hindu ethics : purity, abortion, and euthanasia 詳細 Harold G. Coward, Julius J. Lipner, Katherine K. Young / State University of New York Press 1989 23.04 139 p
8325 パレスチナ民衆蜂起とイスラエル 詳細 小田原紀雄, 村山盛忠 編 / 第三書館 1989 30.13 384p
8326 The Philippine revolution : the leader's view 詳細 Jose Maria Sison with Rainer Werning / Crane Russak 1989 22.08 xxix、 241 p
8327 A history of the Pacific islands 詳細 I.C Campbell / University of California Press 1989 24 239 p
8328 Socio-legal perspective of centre-state relations in India 詳細 M.A. Hussain / Deep & Deep Publications 1989 23.04 196 p
8329 Ethnicity and nation-building in the Pacific 詳細 ed. by Michael C. Howard / United Nations University 1989 24 viii、 333 p
8330 The cultural construction of ethnicity : Chicanos in the university 詳細 Alice H. Reich / AMS Press 1989 54.02 xix、 210 p
8331 Affirmative action and principles of justice 詳細 Kathanne W. Greene / Greenwood Press 1989 54.02 xi、 184 p
8332 Political development of Bangladesh, 1971-1985 詳細 V.P. Puchkov / Patriot Publishers 1989 23.02 viii、 115 [ie 215] p
8333 Indigenous peoples in Asia : towards self-determination : report of the indigenous peoples forum, chiengmai, Thailand 詳細 ed. by Colin Nicholas / Asia Indigenous People's Pact 1989 20 vi、 53 p
8334 ASEAN in international relations 詳細 by Vinita Sukrasep / Institute of Security and International Studies, Chulalongkorn University 1989 22 124 p
8335 The birth of the palestinian refugee problem, 1947-1949 詳細 Benny Morris / Cambridge University Press 1989 30.13 xx、 380 p
8336 The nep, development and alternative consciousness 詳細 by Chandra Muzaffar / Aliran Kesedaran Negara 1989 22.07 319 p
8337 Challenges and choices in malaysian politics and society 詳細 by Chandra Muzaffar / Aliran Kesedaran Negara 1989 22.07 543 p
8338 Hill tribes today : problems in change 詳細 by John Mckinnon, Bernard Vienne / White Lotus-orstom 1989 22 xxvii、 507 p、 [48] leaves of plates
8339 Drugs, the U.S., and khun sa 詳細 Francis W. Belanger / Editions Duang Kamol 1989 22 146 p、 [8] leaves of plates
8340 The socio-politics of sugar : wealth, power formation, and change in Negros, 1899-1985 詳細 by Violeta B. Lopez-Gonzaga, assisted by Michelle F. Decena / Social Research Center, Negrense Studies' Program, University of St. La Salle 1989 22.08 iv、 126 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 次へ≫