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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
8441 日本はアジアの友人か 詳細 YMCA国際平和研究所 編 / 東研出版 1988 20 189p
8442 The Southern Sudan 詳細 by Douglas H.Johnson / Minority Rights Group 1988 AF / 319.8 11 p
8443 Human rights : a compilation of international instruments 詳細 United Nations / United Nations 1988 G / 329 viii、 416 p
8444 Amnesty International report 詳細 [Amnesty International] / Amnesty International Publications 1988 G / 316.1 / 1988 278 p
8445 The United Nations Convention against Torture : a handbook on the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 詳細 by J. Herman Burgers and Hans Danelius / M. Nijhoff 1988 0 xii、 271 p
8446 Human rights : theory and measurement 詳細 ed. by David Louis Cingranelli / Macmillan Press 1988 0 xii、 258 p
8447 The political language of Islam 詳細 Bernard Lewis / University of Chicago Press 1988 0 vii、 168 p
8448 International migration today 詳細 UNESCO 1988 0 382 p
8449 International migration today 詳細 UNESCO 1988 0 286 p
8450 Equal opportunity 詳細 ed. by Norman E. Bowie / Westview Press 1988 0 viii、 200 p
8451 Infected christianity : a study of modern racism 詳細 Alan Davies / Mcgill-queen's University Press 1988 0 xii、 160 p
8452 Development of statistical concepts and methods on disability for household surveys 詳細 Department of International Economic and Social Affair s, Statistical Office, and Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs / United Nations 1988 0 viii、 81 p
8453 Modernization and development : the search for alternative paradigms 詳細 S.C. Dube / United Nations University 1988 0 viii、 144 p
8454 Famine 詳細 ed. by G.A. Harrison / Oxford University Press 1988 0 xvi、 166 p
8455 Immigration and ethnic conflict 詳細 Anthony H. Richmond / Macmillan Press 1988 0 viii、 218 p
8456 Toward multiculturalism : a reader in multicultural education 詳細 ed. by Jaime S. Wurzel / Intercultural Press 1988 0 viii、 222 p
8457 Encyclopedia of Asian history 詳細 prepared under the auspices of the Asia Society ; Ainslie T. Embree, editor in chief / C. Scribner 1988 AP / 220 / 1 528 p
8458 The confucian way of contemplation : okada takehiko and the tradition of quiet-sitting 詳細 Rodney L. Taylor / University of South Carolina Press 1988 21 230 p
8459 日本における差別と人権 詳細 部落解放研究所 編 / 部落解放研究所 1988 J / 316.1 192p
8460 From a developing to a newly industrialised country : the republic of Korea, 1961-1982 詳細 Tony Michell / International Labour Office 1988 21.052 xii、 180 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 次へ≫