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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
8681 The Korea knot : a military-political history 詳細 by Carl Berger / Greenwood Press 1986 21.05 255 p
8682 Development of statistics of disabled persons : case studies 詳細 Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office and Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs / United Nations 1986 0 xi、 205 p
8683 Disappeared! : technique of terror : a report for the independent commission on international humanitarian issues 詳細 Zed Books / Zed Books 1986 0 107 p
8684 The role of the law enforcement officer in the protection of human rights 詳細 Sri Lanka Foundation 1986 G / 327.7 223 p
8685 Development, human rights and action groups 詳細 George Joseph, John Desrochers / Centre for Social Action 1986 SA / 361.9 132 p
8686 Commission on Human Rights : report on the forty-second session : 3 February-14March 1986 詳細 United Nations 1986 G / 329 / 15373 xiv、 360 p
8687 Commission on Human Rights : report on the forty-second session : 3 February-14March 1986 詳細 United Nations 1986 G / 329 / 15373 xiv、 360 p
8688 研究紀要 : 武蔵野音楽大学 詳細 武蔵野音楽大学 1986 J / 377.2 269p
8689 The law on the abolition of untouchability 詳細 P.D. Mathew, T. Chacko / Indian Social Institute 1986 SA / 361.8 9 p
8690 Teaching for human rights : grades 5-10 詳細 Ralph Pettman, Colin Henry, Human rights commission / Australian Government Publishing Service 1986 P / 371.5 v、 162 p
8691 Exploitation of labour through illicit and clandestine trafficking 詳細 by Halima E. Warzazi / United Nations 1986 G / 334.4 iii、 192 p
8692 Annual report of the Commission for Racial Equality 詳細 Commission for Racial Equality 1986 E / 316.8 / 1985 vi、 70 p
8693 Life, liberty and security of person : selected international human rights instruments 詳細 International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights (INTERIGHTS) 1986 G / 329.2 vii、 348 p
8694 Labour relations laws in ASEAN : a collection of current labour laws in the six ASEAN states 詳細 ILO / ILO 1986 22 vii、 365 p
8695 人権と仏教 : 続・スリ替えられた釈迦の教え 詳細 河合広仙 / 亜紀書房 1986 0 237p
8696 「近代化」の再考 : その思想的基軸を求めて 詳細 中込道夫 [ほか] 共 / 北樹出版 1986 0 210p
8697 諸外国における外国人登録制度に関する研究 : 法務研究 詳細 法務総合研究所 1986 G / 329.9 p111-142
8698 Developmental social welfare : a global survey of issues and priorities since 1968 詳細 United Nations / United Nations 1986 0 57 p
8699 Conclusions 詳細 Council of Europe / Council of Europe 1986 60 152 p
8700 A south Indian subcaste : social organization and religion of the pramalai kallar 詳細 by Louis Dumont / Oxford University Press 1986 23.04 xxiii、 501 p、 32 p of plates

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 次へ≫