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9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 次へ≫

  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
8821 韓国・朝鮮人名仮名表記字典 : 相互理解の第一歩、隣国の人の本名を正確に呼ぶために 詳細 人名仮名表記字典編集委員会 編 ; 金東勲 監修 / ブレーンセンター 1984 EA / 280 152p
8822 韓国・朝鮮人名仮名表記字典 : 相互理解の第一歩、隣国の人の本名を正確に呼ぶために 詳細 人名仮名表記字典編集委員会 編 ; 金東勲 監修 / ブレーンセンター 1984 EA / 280 152p
8823 Human rights and the police 詳細 by J.Alderson / Council of Europe 1984 E / 317.7 214 p
8824 Report of the Human Rights Committee 詳細 United Nations 1984 G / 329 / 39-40 vi 、 206 p
8825 General survey of the reports relating to the reduction of hours of work recommendation (no. 116), the weekly rest (industry) convention (no. 14), the weekly rest (commerce and offices) convention (no. 106) and recommendation (no. 103), and the holidays with pay convention (revised) (no. 132) 詳細 International Labour Office 1984 G / 366.1 / 70-3-4B ix 、 171 p
8826 Human Rights Internet Reporter 詳細 editor, Laurie S. Wiseberg / Human Rights Internet 1984 G / 316.1 / 39695 p 507-633
8827 Teaching for human rights 詳細 by Ralph Pettman / Hodja Educational Resources Cooperative 1984 G / 316.1 176 p
8828 What it means to be a bilingual child in Britain today 詳細 by Ewa Orzechowska / Centre for Multicultural Education, University of London Institute of Education 1984 E / 376.9 40 p
8829 Religion and society 詳細 ed. by Kenneth Ballhatchet, David Taylor / Centre of South Asian Studies in the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, by Asian Research Service 1984 SA / 160 179 p
8830 Politics and government 詳細 ed. by Kenneth Ballhatchet, David Taylor / Centre of South Asian Studies in the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, by Asian Research Service 1984 SA / 312 195 p
8831 City and culture 詳細 ed. by Kenneth Ballhatchet, David Taylor / Centre of South Asian Studies in the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, by Asian Research Service 1984 SA / 382 176 p
8832 Economy and society 詳細 ed. by Kenneth Ballhatchet, David Taylor / Centre of South Asian Studies in the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, by Asian Reserch Service 1984 SA / 332 253 p
8833 Race, education and research : Rampton, Swann and after 詳細 Centre for Multicultural Education and Thomas Coram Research Unit, University of London Institute of Education 1984 E / 371.5 iii、 62 p
8834 Annual report of the Commission for Racial Equality 詳細 Commission for Racial Equality 1984 E / 316.8 / 1983 67 p
8835 Human rights education in schools : concepts, attitudes and skills 詳細 by Derek Heater / Council for Cultural Co-operation, Council of Europe 1984 E / 375 30 p
8836 Symposium on Human Rights Education in Schools in Western Europe 詳細 by Hugh Starkey / Council for Cultural Co-operation, Council of Europe 1984 E / 371.5 36 p
8837 Development and welfare 詳細 ed. by Kenneth Ballhatchet, David Taylor / Centre of South Asian Studies in the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, by Asian Research Service 1984 SA / 361.9 173 p
8838 The attitudes of ethnic minorities 詳細 by Simon Field / Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1984 E / 316.8 49 p
8839 Tell the people : talks with James Yen about the mass education movement 詳細 by Pearl S. Buck / International Institute of Rural Reconstruction 1984 EA / 378 141 p
8840 1次産品輸出と経済発展 : 理論、実証およびマレ-シアに関する一研究 詳細 ジョン・T.ソバ-ン ; 石井栄一 [ほか] 訳 / 多賀出版 1984 22.07 389p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 次へ≫