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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
9241 The laws of south-east Asia : the pre-modern texts 詳細 ed. by Hooker, M.B. / Butterworths Asia 0000 22
9242 Fiji: race and poltics in an island state 詳細 ed. by Howard, Michael C. / Ubc Press 0000 24.04
9243 South east Asian women's diary 詳細 ed. by Akar Publishing / Akar Publishing 0000 22
9244 Damming the narmada India's greatest planned environmental disaster 詳細 Alvares, Claude / Third World Network 0000 23.04
9245 A briefer on sectoral rights 詳細 Public Information and Education Office Commission on Human Rights 0000 SEA / 327.7 32 p
9246 Children in bondage - slaves of the subcontinent 詳細 Whittaker, Alan / Anti-slaver International 0000 23 74 p
9247 Political culture and democracy in developing countries 詳細 ed. by Diamond, Lary Jay / Lynne Rienner Publishers 0000 0
9248 A guide to the procedure for recognition of refugee status 詳細 ed. by Immigration Bureau Ministry of Justice / Immigration Bureau Ministry of Justice 0000 21.06
9249 A handbook on the rights and remedies of migrant workers in the European community under the European Convention on Human Rights 詳細 Santiago, Joseph Sedfrey S. / Institute of International Legal Studies University of the Philippines Law Cente 0000 60
9250 Recommendations to combat international traffic in women 詳細 ed. by Foundation for Women / Foundation for Women 0000 0
9251 Food and poeple prize winner of 17th photo contest in Asia and Pacific 1992 詳細 ed. by Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO / Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO 0000 20
9252 International documents on human rights 詳細 Chandra, Satish / Mittal Publications 0000 0
9253 The UN official report. women workers in China 詳細 ed. by the China Labour Education and Information Centre / The China Labour Education and Information Centre 0000 21.02
9254 Ratifying UN convention protecting migrant workers. migrant women quest for justice 詳細 ed. by Migrant Forum in Asia / Migrant Forum in Asia 0000 20
9255 The comprehensive agrarian reform law of1988 with introductory features 1988 edition 1992 reprint 詳細 ed. by Nolledo, Jose N. / National Book Store, Inc. 0000 22.08
9256 International legal standards on conditions of detention 詳細 ed. by Palestine Human Rights Information Center / Palestine Human Rights Information Center 0000 0
9257 Indonesia: Muslims on trial 詳細 ed. by Tapol, the Indonesia Human Rights Campaign / Tapol, the Indonesia Human Rights Campaign 0000 22.05
9258 検証!オウム報道 : 今回だけが例外なのか? 詳細 現代人文社編集部 編 / 現代人文社 0000 21.06
9259 Voices from the silent zone : women's experiences of incest and childhood sexual abuse 詳細 ed. by Ashwini Ailawadi / RAHI (Recovering and Healing From Incest) 0000 SA / 367.6 40 p
9260 Asian Human Rights Charter : a peoples' charter : our common humanity 詳細 Asian Human Rights Commission, Asian Legal Resource Centre / Asian Human Rights Commission, Asian Legal Resource Centre 0000 AP / 316.1 35 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 次へ≫