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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
9261 A profile 詳細 [People's Watch - Tamilnadu] / People's Watch - Tamilnadu 0000 SA / 316.1 26 p
9262 コメの自由化とアジアの人々 詳細 辻井博 [] / アジア労働者情報交流センター・関西 0000 AP / 610 / 16
9263 難民認定手続案内 詳細 法務省入国管理局 監修 / 法務省入国管理局 0000 21.06 13p
9264 Report on post war responsibility of Japan for reparation and compensation 詳細 ed. by 自由人権協会 / 自由人権協会 0000 21.06
9265 Living and working with migrants in Asia : report of the Conference on Migrant Labour Issues, Hsinchu, Taiwan 15-19 May 1994 詳細 editors: Mayan Villalba, Raynah M. Braganza Passanha / Asian Migrant Centre 0000 AP / 334.4
9266 National human rights commission 詳細 Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg / Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg 0000 23.04 68 p
9267 Tribes, clans and castes of Nepal 詳細 E. Vansittart / Vipin Jain for Vintage Books 0000 0
9268 The elimination of sexism from language 詳細 Council of Europe / Council of Europe 0000 60
9269 The right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence : human rights files, no.7 詳細 Dr. Andrew Drzemczewski / Council of Europe 0000 60
9270 The position of aliens in relation to the European Convention on Human Rights 詳細 Council of Europe / Council of Europe 0000 60
9271 Education and literacy programmes 詳細 Buddhadeb Chaudhuri / Inter-India Publications 0000 23.04
9272 Southeast Asian perceptions of Japan 詳細 Renato Constantino / Zensei Publishing Co. 0000 21.06
9273 Human rights non-judicial means for the protection of human rights:the institution of the ombudsman 詳細 Council of Europe / Council of Europe 0000 60
9274 Handbook on fact-finding and documentation of human rights violations 詳細 Ravindran, D. J. / Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development 0000 0
9275 Annual report 詳細 Centre for the Study of Human Rights(CSHR), University of Colombo 0000 SA / 316.1 / 1997 35 p
9276 What should we lobby for : the laws, programs and policies people's groups and NGOs should work for in the field of land and housing 詳細 Partnership of Philippine Support Services Agencies / Partnership of Philippine Support Services Agencies 0000 0
9277 World programme of action concerning : desabled persons 詳細 Dept. of Public Information, United Nations 0000 0
9278 Boubcing back(then playing the global hard court) 詳細 Center for Research and Communication / Center for Research and Communication 0000 22.08
9279 Annual report 詳細 Centre for the Study of Human Rights(CSHR), University of Colombo 0000 SA / 316.1 / 1998 48 p
9280 Children's rights : reality or rhetoric? : the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child : the first ten years 詳細 editor, Sarah Muscroft / Save the Children 0000 G / 369.4 316 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 次へ≫