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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
9401 Primer : legal rights of workers : right to self-organization : right to concerted union activities 詳細 Free Legal Assistance Group(FLAG) 0000 SEA / 366 34 p
9402 A qualitative assessment of their health needs and services available to them in Nepal 詳細 CWIN 0000 SA / 367.2 38 p
9403 R. クマラスワミ国連報告書 : 人権委員会決議1994/45にもとづく「女性への暴力に関する特別報告者」による戦時の軍事的性奴隷制問題に関する報告書 詳細 R. クマラスワミ [ ] ; 戸塚悦朗, 荒井信一 訳 / 日本の戦争責任資料センター 0000 EA / 367.2 1 v
9404 Mapping of advocacy and capacity building materials addressing issues of violence, abuse and exploitation of children in South Asia 詳細 United Nations Children's Fund Regional Office for South Asia 0000 SA / 367.6 133 p
9405 Women's human rights in daily living together : a manual for women's human rights education 詳細 written by Veronica Matus with the assistance of Gloria Bertran / [Organizing Committee for the Decade for Human Rights Education] 0000 G / 367.2 54 p
9406 Women's voice : situation analysis on the problems faced by Nepalese women : a compilation of article on overall status of women in Nepal 詳細 National Network Against Girl Trafficking (NNAGT) 0000 SA / 367.2 60 p
9407 A review of data on trafficking in the Republic of Korea 詳細 International Organization for Migration 0000 EA / 368.4 83 p
9408 The globalization of enterprises and migrant workers : special reference to Japan 詳細 [by] Masahiro Ken Kuwahara / [新潟大学人文学部] 0000 J / 334.4 17 p
9409 Human rights education for elementary and secondary classes : curriculum 詳細 Minstry of Education (Curriculum Wing), Government of Pakistan 0000 SA / 375 27 p
9410 Northeast Asia (6 countries) : China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea and Taiwan 詳細 Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development 0000 EA / 323 28、 15、 25、 29、 25、 33 p
9411 Southeast Asia (11 countries) : Brunei, Burma(Myanmar), Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam 詳細 Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) 0000 SEA / 323 1v
9412 South Asia (8 countries) : Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka 詳細 Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) 0000 SA / 323 1v
9413 Human rights news : information document prepared by the registry of the court...[et al.] 詳細 [by] European Court of Human Rights / Council of Europe 0000 E / 316.1 1 v
9414 Provisions of the ILO conventions and recommendations concerning migrant workers : excluding social security instruments 詳細 International Labour Office 0000 G / 334.4 1 v
9415 National plan of action for human rights education 詳細 Ministry of Education(Islamabad) 0000 SA / 316.1 iii、 19 p
9416 Human rights education in Asian schools : Southeast, Northeast and South Asia workshops 詳細 Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center / Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center 0000 AP / 375 21、 36 leaves
9417 Boys, be ambitious! girls, be pretty! 詳細 アン・ヒョンスク 作 / [アン・ヒョンスク] 0000 EA / 376.2 40枚
9418 私の体の主人公は私 : 堂々とした性、安全な性、楽しい性 詳細 家庭と性相談センター(韓国女性民友会) 0000 EA / 367.9 16枚
9419 UNIAP : partnership against trafficking 詳細 UNIAP (UN Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region) 0000 SEA / 368.4 31 p
9420 New Zealand Asia Institute : annual report 詳細 New Zealand Asia Institute 0000 G / 302 32 p

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 次へ≫