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  書名(タイトル・本誌名) 著者/出版者 出版年 請求番号 ページ数
9421 National strategy on race relations 詳細 Canada 0000 AM / 316.8 11、 10 p
9422 Annual report 詳細 Lawyers for Human Rights, National Directorate / Lawyers for Human Rights, National Directorate 0000 AF / 316.1 / 1993 17 p
9423 Report of the regional consultation on the impact of trans-boundary migration on urbanisation 詳細 Asian Cultural Forum on Development(ACFOD) 0000 AP / 334.4 95 p
9424 Vietnam report from a.20 reeducation camp 詳細 ed. by Vietnam Committee on Human Rights / Vietnam Committee on Human Rights 0000 22.11
9425 第15回「同宗連」研修会報告差別発言問題報告書 詳細 [『同和問題』にとりくむ宗教教団連帯会議] / 『同和問題』にとりくむ宗教教団連帯会議 0000 J / 361.8 33p
9426 Nationality, ethnicity and cultural identity in north-east India 詳細 ed. by Pakem, B. / Omsons Publications 0000 23.04
9427 Rights of the people : individual freedom and the Bill of Rights 詳細 author, Melvin Urofsky / Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State 0000 AM / 323 96 p
9428 Annual report 詳細 Centre for the Study of Human Rights(CSHR), University of Colombo 0000 SA / 316.1 / 2002 40 p
9429 Lebanon: a conflict of minorities : pity the nation divided into fragments 詳細 Mcdowall, David / Minority Rights Group 0000 30.07
9430 Human rights teaching curriculum for Cambodians 詳細 United Nations 0000 SEA / 371.5 ii、 139 p in various pagings
9431 Human rights kit 詳細 Lawyer for Human Rights and Development (LHRD) 0000 SEA / 316.1 13 sheets
9432 International institute of humanitarian law : Sanremo-Italy 詳細 International institute of humanitarian law (IIHL) 0000 G / 329.6 15 p
9433 The human toll of terrorism 詳細 editor, Howard Cincotta 0000 G / 319.8 59 p
9434 Pakistan society Islam, ethnicity and leadership in South Asia 詳細 Ahmed, Akbar S. / Oxford University Press 0000 23.07
9435 Inner peace, world peace essays on Buddhism and nonviolence 詳細 Kraft, Kenneth / State University of New York Press 0000 0
9436 Human rights in China 1994 詳細 ed. by Human Rights in China / Human Rights in China 0000 21.02
9437 Beseline survey on criminal justice system of Nepal 詳細 Centre for Legal Research and Resource Development (CeLRRd) 0000 SA / 327.1 xviii、 276 p
9438 Reading human rights : an annotated guide to a human rights library 詳細 [by] Stephen C. Neff / Nadesan Centre for Human Rights through Law : INTERIGHTS 0000 G / 316.1 xvii、 117 p
9439 Tek Nath Rizal : the prisoner of conscience 詳細 Peoples Forum for Human Rights, Bhutan 0000 SA / 316.1 14 p
9440 Unjust relations: aboriginal rights in Canadian courts 詳細 ed. by Keluchyski, Peter / Oxford University Press 0000 54.01

9539件 [20 件表示]  ≪前へ 472 473 474 475 476 477 次へ≫