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書名 We, the Dalits, 160 millions in India, 240 millions in South Asia, together with the Burakumin, Roma, Ozu and other perples in Japan, Europe, Nigeria, Senegal and elsewhere, and in solidarity with all the discriminated peoples in the world, demand the United Nations
著者名 [National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, India]
出版者 [National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, India]
出版年 2001
ページ数・大きさ 9 leaves ; 30 cm.
請求番号 SA / 361.8
タイトル ヨミ We,the dalits,160 millions in India,240 millions in South Asia,together with the burakumin,Roma,ozu and other perples in Japan,Europe,Nigeria,Senegal and elsewhere,and in solidarity with all the discriminated peoples in the world,demand the United Nations


資料コード 所蔵場所 状態
00027749 一般 貸出可
