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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
2341 Handbook on monitoring courts and trials Detail Asian Institute for Human Rights 2009 SEA / 327 71 p
2342 Durebang report : concerning migrant women involved with U.S. bases : from 2002-2009 Detail My Sisiters Place (Durebang) 2009 EA / 367.2 120 p
2343 Promoting gender equality in education Detail Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, UNESCO Bangkok 2009 AP / 371 123 p
2344 Justice for the poor : perspectives on accelerating access Detail ed. by Ayesha Kadwani Dias, Gita Honwana Welch / Oxford University Press 2009 G / 327 xxii, 678 p
2345 Diaspora without homeland : being Korean in Japan Detail ed. by Sonia Ryang, John Lie / University of California Press 2009 J / 316.8 229 p
2346 Generation 1.5 Detail [by] Tom Finkelpearl, Valerie Smith / Queens Museum of Art 2009 SEA / 334.4 176 p
2347 The Philippines : mobilities, identities, globalization Detail [by] James A. Tyner / Routledge 2009 SEA / 366.8 xvii, 229 p
2348 国際女性 Detail 国際女性の地位協会 2008 G / 367.2 / 2008 124, 58, [39]p
2349 ジェンダーで考える教育の現在 (いま) : フェミニズム教育学をめざして Detail 木村涼子, 古久保さくら 編 / 部落解放・人権研究所 2008 J / 370 211p
2350 世界がもし100人の村だったら : 完結編 Detail 池田香代子, マガジンハウス 編 / マガジンハウス 2008 G / 302 111p
2351 世界人権宣言60周年記念大阪集会 Detail 世界人権宣言大阪連絡会議 編 / 世界人権宣言大阪連絡会議 2008 J / 316.1 48p
2352 「人権教育・啓発法」に基づく計画等に関する調査結果報告書 Detail 部落解放・人権研究所 編 / 部落解放・人権研究所 2008 J / 371.5 130p
2353 世界人権宣言の実現にむけて : 日本の人権課題から Detail 部落解放・人権研究所 編 / 部落解放・人権研究所 2008 J / 316.1 170p
2354 2008よみかきこうりゅうかい報告書 Detail おおさか識字・日本語センター / おおさか識字・日本語センター 2008 J / 379 136p
2355 Corruption control in public procurement : co-hosted by UNAFEI, the Office of the Attorney General of Thailand, and the UNODC Regional Centre for East Asia and the Pacific  Detail United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) 2008 SEA / 326.5 / 2 viii, 145 p
2356 怒りのソウル : 日本以上の「格差社会」を生きる韓国 Detail 雨宮処凛 / 金曜日 2008 EA / 366 140p
2357 Burma defiles the ASEAN Charter Detail Alternative ASEAN network on Burma 2008 SEA / 316.1 36 p,
2358 Human rights, health and poverty reduction strategies Detail World Health Organization : Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations 2008 G / 368.2 73 p
2359 Frequently asked questions on economic, social and cultural rights Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2008 G / 316.1 / 33 iv, 46 p
2360 Human rights, health and poverty reduction strategies Detail World Health Organization : Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations 2008 G / 368.2 73 p

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