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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
2481 国連人権高等弁務官事務所の用意する日本の人権状況の要約文書のための提言書 Detail ヒューマンライツ・ナウ : Asian Legal Resource Centre 2008 J / 316.1 1冊
2482 想いをカタチに : 課題研究発表大会 Detail 大阪府立松原高等学校 2008 J / 375.3 100p
2483 Educational policies and human rights awareness : Japan, the Philippines, Indiaand Sri Lanka Detail editor, Jefferson R. Plantilla / Academic Excellence 2008 AP / 375 vi, 290 p
2484 Rule-of-law tools for post-conflict states Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2008 G / 319.8 vi、 45 p
2485 反差別国際運動日本委員会--総会 : 総会議案書 Detail 反差別国際運動日本委員会 (IMADR-JC) 2008 J / 316.1 / 19 136p
2486 同和問題解決・人権政策研究大阪集会資料 Detail 同和問題解決・人権政策研究大阪集会実行委員会 2008 J / 361.8 149p
2487 多民族共生人権研究集会 Detail [第8回2008多民族共生人権研究集会実行委員会] 2008 J / 334.4 / 2008 103p
2488 Talking about terrorism : risks and choices for Human Rights Organisations : summary Detail International Council on Human Rights Policy (ICHRP) 2008 G / 319.8 12 p
2489 Claiming the Millennium Development Goals : a human rights approach Detail Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations / United Nations 2008 G / 361.9 viii, 52 p
2490 Report on the performance and establishment of national human rights institutions in Asia Detail compiled by Asian Forum for HUman Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) / Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) 2008 AP / 327.7 / 2008 198 p
2491 National consultation : Indonesian NGOs and Komnas Perempuan with United Nations-special rapporteur on the human rights of migrants : proceeding Detail editor, Serin Werner / Komnas Perempuan 2008 SEA / 334.4 77 p
2492 Isis International : annual report Detail Isis International 2008 G / 367.2 / 2007 60 p
2493 Asia Human Rights Forum : regional human rights co-operation for migrant children in Asia Detail Asia Center for Human Rights (ACHR) 2008 AP / 369.4 86 p
2494 康由美弁護士入居差別裁判大阪高裁判決報告集会 Detail 申恵◆ [|| 講演] / [康由美弁護士入居差別裁判大阪高裁判決報告集会] 2008 J / 316.8 22p
2495 日弁連の提案する国内人権機関の制度要綱 Detail [日本弁護士連合会] 2008 J / 327.7 12p
2496 Learning to know for a peaceful and sustainable future : UNESCO-APNIEVE Philippines sourcebook for educators and learners Detail editor, Lourdes R. Quisumbing / Saranggola Publications 2008 SEA / 371.5 165 p
2497 21世紀の東アジア :平和・安定・共生 : 第5回東アジア学国際学術シンポジウム論文集 Detail [大阪経済法科大学アジア研究所] 2008 EA / 302 4, 457p
2498 Working with the United Nations human rights programme : a handbook for civil society Detail Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations 2008 G / 316.1 ix, 192 p
2499 The Mekong challenge : an honest broker : improving cross-border recruitment practices for the benefit of government, workers and employers Detail Mekong sub-regional project to combat trafficking in children and women : International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, International Labor Office 2008 SEA / 366.3 xii、 107 p
2500 Human (in) security in the networks of global cities : the final report 2008 Detail editor, Kinhide Mushakoji ; co-editor, Mustapha Kamal Pasha / Center for Human Security Studies (CHS), Chubu University 2008 G / 319.8 vi, 153, 34 p

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