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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
2521 The way forward : a policy resource book on legal empowerment of the poor in the Philippines Detail Economic, Social and Cultural Rights-Asia (ESCR-ASIA) 2008 SEA / 368.2 xvi, 324 p
2522 積水ハウス在日社員本名裁判報告集 : 和解勝利報告祝賀会 : 徐文平さんを囲んで Detail 在日社員本名裁判支援の会 編 / 在日社員本名裁判支援の会 2008 J / 316.8 55p
2523 レッスンゼロ : 自分から出発して社会を変える Detail 反差別・人権研究所みえ 編 / 三重県人権センター 2008 J / 371.5 18p
2524 『大阪市外国籍住民施策基本指針』の実現に向けた取り組みについて(提言) Detail [大阪市外国籍住民施策有識者会議] 2008 J / 334.4 [30枚]
2525 京都大学東南アジア研究所要覧 Detail 京都大学東南アジア研究所 2008 SEA / 302 / 2008 64p
2526 Meeting the challenge : proven practices for human trafficking prevention in the Greater Mekong Sub-region Detail International Labour Organization 2008 SEA / 368.4 1 v
2527 International Human Rights Training Program : resource manual Detail Equitas (International Centre for Human Rights Education) 2008 G / 371.5 / 29 ii, 284 p
2528 Seoul guidelines : International Conference on Human Rights of Migrants and Multicultural Society : dignity and justice for all migrants Detail National Human Rights Commissiom of Korea 2008 G / 334.4 11 p
2529 Activity report Detail Asia Center for Human Rights (ACHR) 2008 AP / 316.1 15 p
2530 アジアのCSRと日本のCSR : 持続可能な成長のために何をすべきか Detail 藤井敏彦, 新谷大輔 / 日科技連出版社 2008 AP / 335.1 13, 207p
2531 Human rights translated: a business reference guide Detail [by] Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University...[et al.] / Castan Centre for Human Rights Law : United Nations Global Compact Office 2008 G / 335.1 147 p
2532 つながる歌つながる舞つながるいのち : 戦争と女性の人権博物館建設のためのチャリティーコンサート Detail [つながるコンサート実行委員会 : 大阪大学付属病院看護師労働組合] 2008 J / 319.8 1冊
2533 9条世界会議・関西 : 報告集 Detail [9条世界会議in関西実行委員会] 2008 G / 319.8 23p
2534 Human rights translated: a business reference guide Detail [by] Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University...[et al.] / Castan Centre for Human Rights Law : United Nations Global Compact Office 2008 G / 335.1 147 p
2535 Report of the Human Rights Commission and the Office of Human Rights Proceedings for the year ended 30 June 2008 Detail [ed. by] Office of Human Rights Proceedings, Human Rights Commission / Human Rights Commission 2008 P / 327.7 / 2008 76 p
2536 Meeting the challenge : proven practices for human trafficking prevention in the Greater Mekong Sub-region Detail Mekong Sub-regional Project to Combat Trafficking in Children and Women, International Labour Organization 2008 SEA / 368.4 48 p
2537 An analysis of human rights policies and management practics of major Korean corporations and a study of Korean-style business human rights guideline  Detail [National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea] 2008 EA / 335.1 xxv, 353 p
2538 Statement of intent and service performance Detail [ed. by The Office of Human Rights Proceedings (Te Tari Whakatau Take Tika Tangata), Human Rights Commission (Te Kahui Tika Tangata)] / Office of Human Rights Proceedings (Te Tari Whakatau Take Tika Tangata), Human Rights Commission (Te Kahui Tika Tangata) 2008 P / 327.7 / 2008 48 p
2539 Annual International Human Rights Training Program Detail Equitas (International Centre for Human Rights Education) 2008 G / 371.5 / 29 1 v
2540 Human rights in Bangladesh Detail editor, Sara Hossain, Dina M Siddiqi / Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) 2008 SA / 316.1 / 2007 95 p

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