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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
2541 研究会「日本における国際結婚移住者 : 新しい市民権に向けて」 Detail [大阪経済法科大学アジア太平洋研究センター (CAPP)] 2008 J / 367.4 1冊
2542 The right to health Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, World Health Organization / United Nations 2008 G / 316.1 / 31 iv, 45 p
2543 企業と人権 : CSRの実践を通して Detail 東京海上日動リスクコンサルティング 2008 J / 335.1 7枚
2544 2nd regional consultation on ASEAN and Human Rights Detail [Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development ;Human Rights Working Group(HRWG)] 2008 SEA / 327.7 1 v
2545 会社員のためのCSR入門 Detail 大久保和孝 [ほか] / 第一法規 2008 J / 335.1 238p
2546 大谷派における解放運動の歴史と課題? : 武内了温その事跡と課題 : 人権週間ギャラリー展 Detail 朝治武 [ほか] 監修 ; 真宗大谷派(東本願寺)解放運動推進本部 企画 / 真宗大谷派解放運動推進本部 2008 J / 361.8 14p
2547 Dignity and justice for all of us : our voices are heard in Thailand Detail United Nations Country Team in Thailand, Office of the National Human Rights Commission 2008 SEA / 316.1 vii, 142 p
2548 人権擁護委員 : その活動と役割 : 保存版 Detail 法務省人権擁護局 : 全国人権擁護委員連合会 2008 J / 327.7 18p
2549 Children as zones of peace : mainstreaming the optional protocol to the convention on the rights of the child on the involvement of children in armed conflict (OP CRC AC) in the Southeast Asian region : workshop report Detail editor, Roel Andag ; writer, Ryan V. Silverio, Gloria Ester Catibayan-Guarin, Cecille Gaa / Southeast Asia Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers (SEASUCS) 2008 SEA / 367.6 x, 68 p
2550 SR取組み事例4 : 大学 Detail [新日本監査法人] 2008 J / 335.1 23枚
2551 ABC of diplomacy Detail Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) 2008 E / 319 37 p
2552 ABC of human rights Detail Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) 2008 E / 316.1 58 p
2553 World forum on human rights from universal principles to local action Detail International Permanent Secretariat "Human Rights and local governments" 2008 E / 316.1 [14] p
2554 人権教育の指導方法等の在り方について[第三次とりまとめ] : 実践編 : (案) Detail 人権教育の指導方法等に関する調査研究会議, [文部科学省] 2008 J / 375 89p
2555 “Walking on thin ice” : control, intimidation and harassment of lawyers in China : China Detail Human Rights Watch 2008 EA / 316.1 142 p
2556 Modules on good citizenship values : good citizenship movement EPPC in the partnership with CHED Detail EDSA People Power Commission (EPPC) 2008 SEA / 370 v, v, 148 p
2557 Directory of Asia-Pacific human rights centers Detail Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center 2008 AP / 316.1 192 p
2558 Educational policies and human rights awareness : Japan, the Philippines, Indiaand Sri Lanka Detail editor, Jefferson R. Plantilla / Academic Excellence 2008 AP / 375 vi, 290 p
2559 企業と人権問題 Detail 大阪市 : 大阪市人権啓発推進協議会 2008 J / 335.1 36p
2560 Methodology for human rights education for the police Detail National Human Rights Commission of Korea 2008 EA / 371.5 118 p

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