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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
2561 Inclusive dimensions of the right to education : normative bases : concept paper Detail UNESCO 2008 G / 373 41 p
2562 Working with the United Nations human rights programme : a handbook for civil society Detail Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations 2008 G / 316.1 ix, 192 p
2563 Corporate complicity & legal accountability : report of the International Commission of Jurists expert legal panel on corporate complicity in international crimes Detail International Commission of Jurists 2008 G / 335.1 viii, 31 p
2564 Corporate complicity & legal accountability : report of the International Commission of Jurists expert legal panel on corporate complicity in international crimes Detail International Commission of Jurists 2008 G / 335.1 viii, 59 p
2565 Corporate complicity & legal accountability : report of the International Commission of Jurists expert legal panel on corporate complicity in international crimes Detail International Commission of Jurists 2008 G / 335.1 viii, 57 p
2566 人権パスポート : passport for human rights Detail アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本 2008 G / 316.1 [34p]
2567 国際女性 Detail 国際女性の地位協会 2007 G / 367.2 / 2007 183p
2568 「職業と世系に基づく差別」の撤廃に向けて : 女性の視点より Detail 部落解放・人権研究所 編 / 部落解放・人権研究所 2007 G / 367.2 146p
2569 教育と人権 : 人権教育の思想的地平 Detail ヴィンフリート・ベーム 編 ; 岡野治子, 乙訓稔 監訳 / 東信堂 2007 G / 316.1 4、 178p
2570 多言語・多文化社会の課題に迫る! : 多文化協働実践研究・全国フォーラム : 抄録 Detail 東京外国語大学多言語・多文化教育研究センター 2007 J / 334.4 95p
2571 Inculcating social responsibility in Thai youth : a case study on sister schools project network under UNESCO ASP net : EIU experiential learning programme Detail ed. by Lee Seung-Mi, Jung Hye-Won / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 SEA / 371.5 / 7 31 p
2572 Integrating international human rights standards into school curriculum, textbooks, teachers' guides and school climate in Cambodia : EIU experiential learning programme Detail ed. by Lee Seung-Mi, Jung Hye-Won / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 SEA / 371.5 / 8 56 p
2573 Integrating international human rights standards into school curriculum, textbooks, teachers' guides and school climate in Cambodia : EIU experiential learning programme Detail ed. by Lee Seung-Mi, Jung Hye-Won / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 SEA / 371.5 / 8 56 p
2574 アジア太平洋地域の障害者支援活動 Detail 日本障害者リハビリテーション協会 企画・制作 / 日本障害者リハビリテーション協会 2007 AP / 369.2 68p
2575 今後の人権行政のあり方について(答申) Detail 大阪市人権施策推進審議会 2007 J / 327.7 60p
2576 Practical research on current issues : studies on global perspectives in schools in Japan : EIU experiential learning programme Detail ed. by Lee Seung-Mi, Jung Hye-Won / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 SEA / 371.5 / 6 39 p
2577 北朝鮮は、いま Detail 北朝鮮研究学会(北韓研究学会) 編 ; 石坂浩一 監訳 / 岩波新書 2007 EA / 302 7、 226p
2578 京都市外国籍市民意識・実態調査報告書 Detail 京都市総務局国際化推進室 2007 J / 334.4 291p
2579 続 トヨタの正体 : マスコミが書けないエコな企業のエゴな顔 Detail 週刊金曜日 編 / 金曜日 2007 J / 335.1 140p
2580 Situational analysis on e-learning system for multicultural education in Southeast Asian countries Detail ed. by Paulina Pannen, Lee Seung-mi / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 SEA / 371.5 xvi, 290 p

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