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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
2741 ASEAN and trafficking in persons : using data as a tool to combat trafficking in persons Detail editor, Fiona David / International Organization for Migration (IOM) 2007 SEA / 368.4 xiii、 145 p
2742 Final report : Asia Human Rights Forum : regional human rights co-operation for combating commercial sexual exploitaiton of children in Asia Detail Asia Center for Human Rights (ACHR) 2007 AP / 367.6 120 p
2743 会員企業トップ会 Detail 大阪同和・人権問題企業連絡会 2007 J / 361.8 / 10 19p
2744 Inter-ethnic dialogue and conflict resolution in the Southern Philippines : access to community and civil enrichment Detail ed. by Susan Russell, Lina Davide-Ong, Rey Ty / International Training Office and Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University 2007 SEA / 319.8 / 2006 100 p
2745 Human rights education in Indian schools Detail [by] Arjun Dev, Dinesh Sharma, D. Lahiry / Academic Excellence 2007 SA / 375 xii、 133 p
2746 Journal of multidisciplinary studies : devoted to research and discussion of learning in the physical, social and behavioral sciences Detail Ateneo de Zamboanga University 2007 SEA / 304 88 p
2747 First Regional Consultation on ASEAN and Human Rights : background documents Detail Regional Secretariat, Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development 2007 SEA / 327.7 2、 157 p
2748 Sixth Workshop on the ASEAN Regional Mechanism on Human Rights...[et al.] Detail [Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines]...[et al.] 2007 SEA / 327.7 1 v
2749 講座・人権ゆかりの地をたずねて Detail 世界人権問題研究センター 編 / 世界人権問題研究センター 2007 J / 316.1 / 2006 218p
2750 Access to justice in Aceh : making the transition to sustainable peace and development in Aceh Detail UNDP Indonesia : Bappenas 2007 SEA / 319.8 186 p
2751 自立・解放への道(軌跡) : 結成五十年と本多義信の生涯 Detail 部落解放同盟香川県連合会結成五十周年記念誌編集委員会 編 / 部落解放同盟香川県連合会 2007 J / 361.8 211p
2752 Human rights in Bangladesh Detail editor, Hameeda Hossain, Sara Hossain / Ain o Salish Kendra(ASK) 2007 SA / 316.1 / 2006 xi、 210 p
2753 多民族共生教育フォーラム東京 : 資料集 : すべての子どもたちに「教育への権利」を Detail 「多民族共生教育フォーラム2007東京」実行委員会 2007 J / 376.9 123p
2754 [基調講演 : 地方自治団体の国際化、意義と推進戦略] Detail [韓国地方自治団体国際化財団] 2007 EA / 318 p21-182
2755 Human security & business Detail [by] Benjamin K. Leisinger, Marc Probst / Ruffer & Rub 2007 G / 336.3 302 p
2756 Human rights : a global agenda Detail ed. by V B Malleswari / Icfai University Press 2007 G / 316.1 vii、 237 p
2757 アムネスティ・レポート世界の人権 Detail 『アムネスティ・レポート世界の人権』編集部 編 / アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本 2007 G / 316.1 / 2007 315p
2758 Handbook on HIV and human rights for national human rights institutions Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) : UNAIDS 2007 G / 369.9 46 p
2759 歓迎されない外国人 : 日本社会の中で暮らす移住者たち Detail 「歓迎されない外国人」編集委員会 編 / イエズス会社会司牧センター 2007 J / 334.4 76p
2760 Millennium Development Goals : vision of youth : youth MDGs Forum report Detail ed. by Lee Seung-Mi / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 G / 361.9 136 p

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