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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
2781 Support to justice initiatives : report Detail Centre for Legal Research and Resource Development (CeLRRd) 2007 SA / 327.7 [101] p
2782 日本ではたらく外国人労働者とともに Detail 大阪労働者弁護団 編 / 大阪労働者弁護団 2007 J / 334.4 24p
2783 Programs & achievements Detail Kathmandu School of Law (KSL) 2007 SA / 321 74 p
2784 Symposium on developing right based approach to anti-trafficking actions in South Asia Detail ed. by Bidhya Pokhrel, Anti Trafficking Project(KSL) / Kathmandu School of Law (KSL) 2007 SA / 368.4 90 p
2785 Justice for all? : an assessment of access to justice in five provinces of Indonesia Detail Bappenas : PSPK-UGM : UNDP Indonesia 2007 SEA / 327.1 xxxiv、 140、 vi p
2786 『いのち』をまもる環境学教育 : 文部科学省「魅力ある大学院教育」イニシアティブ --報告書 Detail 岡山大学大学院環境学研究科 2007 G / 510 224p
2787 Legislative history of the convention on the rights of the child Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2007 G / 369.4 / 1 lii, 493 p
2788 The ASEAN Declaration for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers : what's next? Detail Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines (CMA) 2007 SEA / 334.4 119 p
2789 年次報告書 Detail 国際協力銀行 2007 J / 333.8 / 2007 188p
2790 Plan of activities for 2007 Detail Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 AP / 371.5 / 2007 25 p
2791 Keeping the promise of MDGs through EIU : report of the International Symposiumon a Culture of Peace 2007 Detail ed. by Lee Seung-Mi, Ma. Johanna C. Encabo / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) 2007 AP / 373 142 p
2792 Legislative history of the convention on the rights of the child Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2007 G / 369.4 / 1 lii, 493 p
2793 The making of the human security act of 2007 : [the Philippine anti-terrorism law] : perceptions & reality : a guide for those who believe in upholding the rule of law Detail by Aquilino Q. Pimentel, Jr. / Philippine Normal University Press 2007 SEA / 326.8 xxii、 268 p
2794 Political risk in a globalised marketplace : company approaches to conflict prevention and human rights Detail Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) 2007 E / 336.3 12 p
2795 Report of the Human Rights Commission and the Office of Human Rights Proceedings for the year ended 30 June 2007 Detail [ed. by] Office of Human Rights Proceedings, Human Rights Commission / Human Rights Commission 2007 P / 327.7 / 2007 64 p
2796 Malaysia : human rights report : civil and political rights Detail Suara Rakyat Malaysia(SUARAM) 2007 SEA / 316.1 / 2006 143 p
2797 東アジア時代の次世代教育 : 教育シンポジウム : コリア国際学園(KIS)のチャレンジ Detail [コリア国際学園(KIS)設立準備委員会] 2007 EA / 376.9 36p
2798 The role of NHRIs in the newly established UN human rights mechanisms Detail editor, Byung Hoon Oh / National Human Rights Commission of Korea 2007 G / 327.7 ii、 177 p
2799 A history of Democratic Kampuchea Detail [by] Khamboly Dy / Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) 2007 SEA / 312 73 p
2800 Asia Human Rights Forum : regional human rights co-operation for combating commercial sexual exploitaiton of children in Asia Detail Asia Center for Human Rights (ACHR) 2007 AP / 367.6 120, 4 p, 7 leaves

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