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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
2961 日・韓「共生社会」の展望 : 韓国で実現した外国人地方参政権 Detail 田中 宏, 金 敬得 共編 / 新幹社 2006 EA / 329.9 112p
2962 ちがうことこそすばらしい! 子ども作文集 : 届け!私の思い 2  Detail 全関西在日外国人教育ネットワーク 2006 J / 376.9 142p
2963 Asia human rights forum : child labour and trafficking in Asia Detail Asia Center for Human Rights (ACHR) 2006 AP / 367.6 145 p, 3 leaves
2964 Annual workshop for young human rights activists Detail Asia Center for Human Rights (ACHR) 2006 AP / 316.1 98 p
2965 Annual activity report Detail Centre for Human Rights and Development 2006 EA / 316.1 / 2005 20 p
2966 北朝鮮を知るための51章 Detail 石坂浩一 編 / 明石書店 2006 EA / 302 281p
2967 社団法人部落解放・人権研究所--総会 : 議案書 Detail 部落解放・人権研究所 2006 J / 361.8 / 63 55p
2968 ネパールの政治と人権 : 王政と民主主義のはざまで Detail マンジュシュリ・タパ ; 萩原律子, 河村真宏 監訳 / 明石書店 2006 SA / 312 364p
2969 ちがうことこそすばらしい! 子ども作文集 : 届け!私の思い 2  Detail 全関西在日外国人教育ネットワーク 2006 J / 376.9 142p
2970 Human rights education and promotion training of trainers II : workshop manual Detail Equitas 2006 SA / 371.5 165 p
2971 Conference proceedings : International Conference on Human Rights Education in a Diverse and Changing Asia : Asian Regional Conference of International Human Rights Education Consortium Detail International Human Rights Education Consortium(IHREC) : Chang Fo-Chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights at Soochow University 2006 AP / 371.5 162 p
2972 The Mekong challenge : Cambodia's 'beer promotion girls' : their recruitment, working conditions and vulnerabilities Detail International Labor Office 2006 SEA / 366.3 xii、 102 p
2973 The Mekong challenge : Cambodia's hotel and guesthouse workers : their recruitment, working conditions and vulnerabilities Detail International Labor Office 2006 SEA / 366.3 xii、 109 p
2974 中東 Detail 松井健, 堀内正樹 編 ; 綾部 恒雄 監修 / 明石書店 2006 WA / 316.8 342p
2975 The Mekong challenge : destination Thailand : a cross-border labour migration survey in Banteay Meanchey Province, Cambodia Detail [by] Provincial Department of Social Affairs, Labour, Vocational Training and Youth Rehabilitation and SILAKA, in collaboration with ILO-IPEC Mekong Sub-Regional Project to Combat Trafficking in Children and Women / International Labor Office 2006 SEA / 334.4 xiii、 87 p
2976 とりあげないでわたしの学校 Detail 枝川裁判支援連絡会 編 / 樹花舎 2006 J / 367.9 166 p
2977 多民族共生人権研究集会 Detail 多民族共生人権研究集会実行委員会 2006 J / 334.4 / 2006 186p
2978 Realizing property rights Detail editor, Hernando de Soto, Francis Cheneval / Ruffer & Rub 2006 G / 324.2 319 p
2979 Dialogue + cooperation : occasional papers : Southeast Asia, Europe Detail editor, Axel Schmidt / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 2006 G / 319.8 vii、 91 p
2980 Knowledge, culture and livelihood : the struggle for water and people's everyday resistances Detail Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives (ARENA) 2006 G / 510 vi、 173 p

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