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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
3001 イミダス : 最新キーワード事典 Detail 綜合社 編 / 集英社 2006 J / 810 / 2006 1332p
3002 Pelan pengajaran hak asasi manusia : untuk sekolah-sekolah-asia-tenggara Detail SUHAKAM 2006 SEA / 375 201 p
3003 United Nations University annual report Detail United Nations University 2006 G / 329.3 / 2005 56 p
3004 人間開発報告書 Detail 国連開発計画(UNDP) [編] ; 横田 洋三, 秋月 弘子[ほか] 監修 / 国際協力出版会 2006 G / 361.9 / 2005 xvi、 422 p
3005 Performance of national human rights institutions in Asia : cooperation with NGOs and relationship with governments Detail Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) 2006 AP / 327.7 66 p
3006 Background documents : regional workshop on NHRIs-NGOs cooperation Detail [Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)] 2006 AP / 327.7 1v
3007 Asia Conference on Child Rights & Foster Care Detail Korean Foster Care Association 2006 AP / 367.6 276 p
3008 済州四・三 Detail 済州四・三研究所 編 ; 許榮善 ; 及川ひろ絵, 小原つなき 共訳 / 民主化運動記念事業会 2006 EA / 312 223p
3009 Statement of intent and service performance Detail [ed. by The Office of Human Rights Proceedings (Te Tari Whakatau Take Tika Tangata), Human Rights Commission (Te Kahui Tika Tangata)] / Human Rights Commission (Te Kahui Tika Tangata) 2006 P / 327.7 / 2006 40 p
3010 草の根の連帯を求めて : 21世紀を拓くNGO Detail アジアボランティアセンター 編 / エピック 2006 AP / 333.8 205p
3011 Remembering still : interns' reflections on alternative lawyering in the Philippines Detail Ateneo Human Rights Center 2006 SEA / 327.1 xii、 82 p
3012 京都大学東南アジア研究所要覧 Detail 京都大学東南アジア研究所 (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University: CSEAS) 編 / 京都大学東南アジア研究所 2006 SEA / 302 / 2006 48p
3013 国際労働基準 : ILO条約の手引き Detail ILO駐日事務所 編 / ILO駐日事務所 2006 G / 366.1 / 2006 111p
3014 Plan of Action : World Programme for Human Rights Education : frist phase Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UNESCO / United Nations 2006 G / 371.5 / 1 56 p
3015 Plan of Action : World Programme for Human Rights Education : frist phase Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UNESCO / United Nations 2006 G / 371.5 / 1 56 p
3016 The context of education for a culture of peace in Vietnam general educational schools : EIU experiential learning programme Detail ed. by Lee Seung-Mi, Johanna C. Encabo / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding(APCEIU) 2006 SEA / 371.5 / 3 43 p
3017 EOC news : 10th anniversary issue Detail Equal Opportunities Commission 2006 EA / 327.7 23 p
3018 Human trafficking and racism : exploring the links between marginalization and exploitative migration Detail ed. by Nimalka Fernando, Setsuko Arai, Malaya Ileto / International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) 2006 G / 316.8 viii、 181 p
3019 母・オモニ : 和解への対話 : 東アジアに聴く・視る・識る Detail [大阪女学院大学] 2006 EA / 319 8p
3020 Life & human rights in North Korea Detail Society to Help Returnees to North Korea (HRNK) : Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (NKHR) 2006 EA / 316.1 / 39 49 p

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