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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
3061 Asia Conference : child rights & foster care Detail Korean Foster Care Association 2006 AP / 367.6 一冊
3062 Human rights in Bangladesh Detail editor, Hameeda Hossain / Ain o Salish Kendra(ASK) 2006 SA / 316.1 / 2005 269 p
3063 60th anniversary of H.M. King Bhumibol's accession to the throne(1946-2006) Detail Royal Thai Government 2006 SEA / 280 p 7-143
3064 International comparison of anti-discrimination laws Detail ed. by Yamazaki Koshi / Niigata university 2006 G / 316.1 xi、 156 p
3065 報告原稿 : 東アジア大都市の資本制文化と人間 : 外国人労働者と民族 関係を焦点に :COE国際シンポジウム Detail [大阪市立大学21世紀COEプログラム研究拠点「都市文化研究センター」] 2006 EA / 334.4 1冊
3066 Gestures of reconciliation : international short film competition Detail Remembrance and Future Fund : Goethe-Institut 2006 G / 319.8 104 p
3067 大阪府人権施策の状況 : 別冊 : 施策集 Detail [大阪府政策施策部] 2006 J / 327.7 / 2006 10, 192p
3068 Schools for the child : child sensitive good practices in Sri Lankan schools : EIU experiential learning programme Detail ed. by Lee Seung-Mi, Ma. Johanna C. Encabo / Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding(APCEIU) 2006 SA / 375 74 p
3069 Rule-of-law tools for post-conflict states Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2006 G / 327 vii、 39 p
3070 Human rights and ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities Detail ed. by Bertrand Fort, Peter Ryan / Asia-Europe Foundation 2006 G / 316.1 ii, 173 p
3071 [EIU/ESD from the perspective of teacher education : reflection on teachers education of APCEIU and its lessons] Detail [Expert meeting on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)] 2006 AP / 371.5 1 v
3072 Local citizenship in recent countries of immigration : Japan in comparative perspective  Detail ed. by Takeyuki Tsuda / Lexington Books, a division of Rowman & Littlefield 2006 J / 334.4 306 p
3073 Plan of Action : World Programme for Human Rights Education : frist phase Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UNESCO / United Nations 2006 G / 371.5 / 1 56 p
3074 Health and human rights Detail Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, World Health Organization 2006 G / 490 1 v
3075 Curricular and methodological proposal for incorporating human rights education into formal schooling for children from 10 to 14 years of age Detail Inter-American Institute of Human Rights 2006 AM / 371.5 76, 76 p
3076 In search of new approaches to Japanese development assistance  Detail edited by Akiyama Takamasa, Sasaoka Yuichi / Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development 2006 J / 333.8 295 p
3077 Positive discipline in the inclusive, learning-friendly classroom : a guide for teachers and teacher educators Detail UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2006 G / 371.5 110 p
3078 Practical tips for teaching large classes : a teacher's guide Detail UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2006 G / 371.5 58 p
3079 Frequently asked questions on a human rights-based approach to development cooperation Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2006 G / 361.9 vi, 40 p
3080 National curriculum framework 2005 Detail [by] National Council of Educational Research and Training / National Council of Educational Research and Training 2006 SA / 372.1 140 p

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