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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
3241 Human rights and prisons : manual on human rights training for prison officials Detail United Nations / United Nations 2005 G / 326.5 ix、 222 p
3242 Economic, social and cultural rights : handbook for national human rights institutions Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2005 G / 329 x、 138 p
3243 総会資料 Detail 大阪同和・人権問題企業連絡会 2005 J / 361.8 / 28 34p
3244 ヒューマンメッセージinおおさか2005 : 見つかるかもしれない。?出会い。つながり。オモロイこと。探していませんか? Detail ヒューマンメッセージinおおさか2005実行委員会 : 大阪市人権協会 2005 J / 361.8 30p
3245 Women's worlds 2005 Detail Ewha Womans University / Organizing committee of Women's worlds 2005 2005 EA / 367.2 1 v
3246 Trafficking in persons report : June 2005 Detail U.S. Department of State 2005 G / 368.4 / 2005 256 p
3247 ESD学び方ガイド : 未来への学びをひらく Detail エコ・コミュニケーションセンター / エコ・コミュニケーションセンター 2005 J / 371.5 1冊
3248 Engendering bold leadership : the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief : first annual report to Congress Detail [the Office of the United States Global AIDS Coordinator] 2005 AM / 369.9 123 p
3249 反差別国際運動日本委員会--総会 : 総会議案書 Detail 反差別国際運動日本委員会 2005 J / 316.1 / 16 119p
3250 Giao an ve Quyen con Nguoi : Dung cho cac truong o khu vuc Dong-Nam A : [Human rights lesson plans : for Southeast Asian schools] Detail Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center / Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center 2005 SEA / 375 218 p
3251 Assessing the effectiveness of national human rights institutions Detail International Council on Human Rights Policy (ICHRP) : Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) 2005 G / 327.7 45 p
3252 Report of the Human Rights Commission and the Office of Human Rights Proceedings for the year ended 30 June 2005 Detail [ed. by] Office of Human Rights Proceedings, Human Rights Commission / Human Rights Commission 2005 P / 327.7 / 2005 56 p
3253 International migrations and human rights Detail ed. by Bertrand Fort / Asia-Europe Foundation 2005 G / 334.4 ii, 313 p
3254 International Labour Organization final report : rights based approach to indigenous peoples development in Cambodia Detail [by] Project launch workshop / International Labour Organization (ILO) 2005 SEA / 316.8 30 p
3255 The impact of HIV/AIDS on children and young people : reviewing research conducted and distilling implications for the education sector in Asia : HIV/AIDS and education Detail prepared by Jan Wijngaarden, Sheldon Shaeffer / UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, UNESCO Bangkok 2005 AP / 369.9 / 1 14 p
3256 Konvensyen mengenai hak kanak-kanak : versi bergambar Detail Suruhanjaya hak asasi manusia Malaysia 2005 SEA / 369.4 1 v
3257 Konvensyen mengenai hak kanak-kanak : versi bergambar Detail Suruhanjaya hak asasi manusia Malaysia 2005 SEA / 369.4 1 v
3258 Chinese law and religion monitor : a journal of China Aid Association April-June 2005 Detail editor in chief, Bob Fu / China Aid Association 2005 EA / 316.1 128、 102 p
3259 アジア開発銀行年次報告 Detail アジア開発銀行駐日代表事務所 2005 AP / 333.8 / 2004 8、 208p
3260 Annual report Detail Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO) 2005 SA / 367.2 / 2004 46 p

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