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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
3301 Human rights advocacy in the commonwealth : a user's handbook Detail Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) 2005 G / 316.1 19 p
3302 Human rights and policing : landmark supreme court directives & National Human Rights Commission guidelines Detail written by Mandeep Tiwana ; ed. by Maja Daruwala / Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) 2005 SA / 317.7 48 p
3303 Human rights and policing : landmark supreme court directives & National Human Rights Commission guidelines Detail written by Mandeep Tiwana ; ed. by Maja Daruwala / Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) 2005 SA / 317.7 48 p
3304 雇用問題研究会 「資料」 Detail おおさか人材雇用開発人権センター 2005 J / 366.2 / 2005 69 p
3305 Teachers, human rights and diversity : educating citizens in multicultural societies Detail ed. by Audrey Osler / Trentham 2005 G / 371.5 xxiii、 184 p
3306 Annual report : Isis International-Manila Detail Isis International-Manila 2005 G / 367.2 / 2005 47 p
3307 戦後補償と国際人道法 : 個人の請求権をめぐって Detail 申惠◆ [ほか] 編 / 明石書店 2005 G / 329.6 377p
3308 Life & human rights in North Korea Detail Society to Help Returnees to North Korea (HRNK) : Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (NKHR) 2005 EA / 316.1 / 35 58 p
3309 Life & human rights in North Korea Detail Society to Help Returnees to North Korea (HRNK) : Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (NKHR) 2005 EA / 316.1 / 36 54 p
3310 Life & human rights in North Korea Detail Society to Help Returnees to North Korea (HRNK) : Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (NKHR) 2005 EA / 316.1 / 37 53 p
3311 Life & human rights in North Korea Detail Society to Help Returnees to North Korea (HRNK) : Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (NKHR) 2005 EA / 316.1 / 38 55 p
3312 Trafficking women & children : overcoming the illegal sex trade Detail [by] Heather Montgomery, Zosa De Sas Kropwinicki, Roz Evans / Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford 2005 G / 368.4 vii、 74 p
3313 報告書 : 「外国人の司法への参画を考える」シンポジウム Detail 「外国人の司法への参画を考える」シンポジウム, 近畿弁護士連合会人権擁護委員会 2005 J / 329.2 / 1 1冊
3314 Strategy to address the physical punishment and emotional abuse of chidren in schools : proceedings of the International Save the Children Alliance regional workshop, 8-11 November 2004, Vientiane, Lao PDR Detail authors, Anna Liza Magno, Helen Woldemichael / Save the Children Southeast, East Asia and the Pacific 2005 G / 367.6 x、 126 p
3315 The report of the 10-year reconstruction overall verification and recommendations : summary edition Detail editing, Office of the 10th Year Restoration Committee / Office of the 10th Year Restoration Committee 2005 J / 369.3 84 p
3316 Philippine human development report : peace, human security and human development in the Philippines Detail Human Development Network(HDN) 2005 SEA / 361.9 / 2005 xiv、 151 p
3317 Guidelines and recommendations for reorienting teacher education to address sustainability Detail Section for Education for Sustainable Development, Division for the Promotion of Quality Education, UNESCO 2005 G / 371.5 74 p
3318 Symposium recommendations : cultivating wisdom, harvesting peace Detail Multi-Faith Centre, Giffith University 2005 G / 371.5 37 p
3319 Shadow NGO report on Turkey's fourth and fifth combined periodic report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Detail prepared by Women for Women's Human Rights (WWHR)-New Ways / New Ways Liaison Office 2005 WA / 367.2 14 leaves
3320 Lessons learned from rights-based approaches in the Asia-Pacific region : documentation of case studies Detail editor, Upala Devi Banerjee / UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) Regional Centre in Bangkok, OHCHR (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) 2005 AP / 361.9 349 p

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