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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
3661 COMMIT : Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative against Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region : senior officials and ministerial meetings Detail [Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative against Trafficking (COMMIT)] 2004 SEA / 368.4 iv、 120 p
3662 Uprooting violence, cultivating peace : education for an engaged spirituality Detail by Toh Swee-Hin / Multi-Faith Centre, Giffith University 2004 G / 371.5 39 p
3663 いのちの地図帳 Detail NHKスペシャル「データマップ63億人の地図」プロジェクト 編 / アスコム 2004 G / 302 141p
3664 Annual report : human rights situaton in Tibet Detail Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy 2004 EA / 316.8 / 2003 104 p
3665 International journal of peace studies Detail Journal of the International Peace Research Association 2004 G / 319.8 114 p
3666 ODA Loan report : gaining a better understanding of Official Development Assistance Detail Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC) 2004 J / 333.8 / 2004 56 p
3667 Annual report : 2002-2003 Detail YUVA (Youth for unity and voluntary action) 2004 SA / 361.9 57 p
3668 在日韓国・朝鮮人の国籍と人権 Detail 大沼保昭 / 東信堂 2004 J / 316.8 12、 394p
3669 CHEC annual report Detail text by Kasem Kolnary ; edit by Jessica Stewart / Cambodian HIV/AIDS Education and Care(CHEC) 2004 SEA / 369.9 16 p
3670 人権教育のための国連10年(1995年-2004年)アジア・太平洋地域における地域評価とフォローアップ : 国内委員会、文部科学省、学校およびその他人権教育に関わる機関を対象にした調査用紙[回答] Detail [部落解放・人権研究所] 2004 J / 316.1 10p
3671 Nine commentaries on the communist party Detail [by] The Epoch Times / Yih Chyun Book 2004 EA / 312 xx、 344 p
3672 Embracing diversity : toolkit for creating inclusive, learning-friendly environments Detail UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2004 G / 371.5 41 leaves
3673 雇用問題研究会「資料」 Detail おおさか人材雇用開発人権センター 2004 J / 366.2 / 2004 30p
3674 International Conference of National Human Rights Institutions : Seoul 14-17 September 2004 : upholding human rights during conflict and while countering terrorism Detail editor, Young-hee Na / National human rights commission of the republic of Korea 2004 G / 327.7 iii, 276 p
3675 まるわかり外国人医療 : これであなたも六法いらず Detail 外国人医療・生活ネットワーク 編 / 移住労働者と連帯する全国ネットワーク 2004 J / 334.4 93p
3676 総会資料 Detail 大阪同和・人権問題企業連絡会 2004 J / 361.8 / 27 38p
3677 Human rights standards and practice for the police : expanded pocket book on human rights for the police Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2004 G / 317.7 v 64 p
3678 外登法の抜本的改正を求める全国キリスト者 1・24全国集会 Detail 在日韓国人問題研究所(RAIK) / 外登法問題と取り組む全国キリスト教連絡協議会(外キ協) 2004 J / 329.9 / 18 119p
3679 Making UNGASS work Detail Asia Pacific Council of AIDS Service Organizations(APCASO) 2004 G / 369.9 112 p
3680 Human rights commissions : a citizen's handbook Detail authors, Mandeep Tiwana, Sneh Aurora, Amita Punj / Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) 2004 SA / 327.7 i、 44 p

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