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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
3681 Isis International-Manila annual report Detail Isis International-Manila 2004 G / 367.2 / 2004 46 p
3682 Abuse of Palestinians at the Sarra Checkpoint, Nablus District, 27-31 December 2003 Detail written by Yael Stein / B'Tselem 2004 WA / 319.8 22 p : ill
3683 共生時代の在日コリアン : 国際人権30年の道程 Detail 金東勲 / 東信堂 2004 J / 316.8 14、 272p
3684 Social policy reform in Hong Kong and Shanghai : a tale of two cities Detail Linda Wong, Lynn White, and Gui Shixun, editors / M. E. Sharpe 2004 EA / 369.1 xvi、 292 p
3685 国法学 : 人権原論 Detail 樋口陽一 / 有斐閣 2004 G / 323 278p
3686 Kaleidoscope : human rights primer Detail Neelam Hussain, Anjana Raza : illustrated by Anjana Raza, Maryam Rehman, Saba Khan, Sahr Ghani, Sara Khan / Simorgh Women's Resorce and Publication Centre 2004 SA / 316.1 / 2 44 p
3687 フィリピンの人権教育 : ポスト冷戦期における国家・市民社会・国際人権レジームの役割と関係性の変化を軸として Detail 阿久澤麻理子 / [出版者不明] 2004 SEA / 316.1 66 p
3688 大阪府ハンセン病実態調査報告書 Detail 大阪府健康福祉部地域保健福祉室 2004 J / 490 148p
3689 ODA Loan report : gaining a better understanding of Official Development Assistance Detail Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC) 2004 J / 333.8 / 2004 56 p
3690 Unjust Sentence : a special report on Trulku Tenzin Delek Detail Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy(TCHRD) 2004 EA / 326.2 66 p
3691 Behind and beyond : re-energised for the dawn of a new era of struggle : 50th anniversary publication Detail compiled by the IMCS Team 2004 / IMCS 2004 AP / 190 iv、 107 p
3692 The History of Japan's educational development : what implications can be drawnfor developing countries today Detail Institute for International Cooperation(IFIC), Japan International CooperationAgency(JICA) 2004 J / 372 xxiii、 280 p
3693 Final report on living and learning together the role of human rights education in strengthening communities in New Zealand and the Pacific Detail Human Rights Commission (Te Kahui Tika Tangata) : New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO 2004 P / 371.5. / 2004 124 p
3694 The UN human rights norms for business : towards legal accountability Detail Amnesty International / Amnesty International Publications 2004 G / 335.1 30 p
3695 Living and Learning Together Conference : individual reports from NZAID sponcered delegates Detail [Living and Learning Together Conference] 2004 P / 316.8 1 v
3696 Manual on rights-based education : global human rights requirements made simple Detail [by] Katarina Tomasevski / UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2004 G / 371.5 vii, 60 p
3697 Becoming an inclusive, learning-friendly environment(ILFE) Detail UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2004 G / 371.5 41 p
3698 Working with families and communities to create an ILFE Detail UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2004 G / 371.5 29 p
3699 Getting all children in school and learning Detail UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2004 G / 371.5 43 p
3700 Creating inclusive, learning-friendly classrooms Detail UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2004 G / 371.5 83 p

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