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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
3701 Managing inclusive, learning-friendly classrooms Detail UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2004 G / 371.5 58 p
3702 The history of Japan's educational development : what implications can be drawn for developing countries today Detail Institute for International Cooperation : Japan International Cooperation Agency 2004 J / 372.1 xxiii, 280 p
3703 Decree of the president of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 year 2004 on the national plan of action of human rights 2004-2009 Detail Department of Justice and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia 2004 SEA / 327.7 65 p
3704 Creating a healthy and protective ILFE Detail UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education 2004 G / 371.5 66 p
3705 Discrimination : caste, religion, race, language, gender, place of birth Detail author, I. Devasahayam / Human rights Education 2004 SA / 375 ix, 147 p
3706 Where have all the nurses gone? : the impact of the nursing shortage on American healthcare Detail [by] Faye Satterly / Prometheus Books 2004 AM / 366.3 225 p
3707 これから人権教育をどう創造するのか : 第2次「人権教育のための国連10年」に向けて Detail 部落解放・人権研究所 / 部落解放・人権研究所 2003 J / 316.1 220p
3708 高校生のこころとジェンダー Detail 解放出版社 / 解放出版社 2003 J / 367.2 99p
3709 女性差別撤廃条約とNGO : 「日本レポート審議」を活かすネットワーク Detail 明石書店 / 明石書店 2003 J / 367.2 226p
3710 人間安全保障論序説 : グローバル・ファシズムに抗して Detail 国際書院 / 国際書院 2003 G / 319.8 302p
3711 世界開発報告 Detail 世界銀行 [編] ; 田村勝省 訳 / シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京 2003 G / 361.9 / 2003 31、 479p
3712 タイ国別援助研究会報告書 Detail 国際協力総合研修所 2003 SEA / 333.8 13、 239p
3713 Harm to medical personnel : the delay, abuse and humiliation of medical personnel by Israeli security forces Detail researched and written by Shlomi Swisa / B'Tselem, Physicians for human rights-Israel (PHR-Israel) 2003 WA / 319.8 30 p
3714 人間開発報告書 Detail 国連開発計画(UNDP) [編] ; 横田洋三, 秋月弘子 監修 / 国際協力出版会 2003 G / 361.9 / 2003 15、 412p
3715 Programs & achievements Detail editor, Yubaraj Sangroula / Centre for Legal Research and Resource Development (CeLRRd) 2003 SA / 321 84 p
3716 早わかり人権教育小事典 Detail 明治図書出版 / 明治図書出版 2003 J / 371.5 139p
3717 神戸・ユダヤ人難民1940-1941 : 「修正」される戦時下日本の猶太人対策 Detail 金子マーティン / みずのわ出版 2003 J / 316.8 295p
3718 A life free of violence : it's our rights! Detail UNIFEM East and Southeast Asia Regional Office 2003 AP / 368.4 1 v (various pagings)
3719 Indonesian migrant domestic workers : their vulnerabilities and new initiatives for the protection of their rights Detail National Commossion on Violence against Women : Solidaritas Perempuan 2003 SEA / 367.2 vii, 67 p
3720 International migration, health & human rights Detail World Health Organization 2003 G / 490 36 p

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