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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
3941 アジア環境白書 Detail 日本環境会議, 「アジア環境白書」編集委員会 編 / 東洋経済新報社 2003 AP / 510 / 2003 12、 446p
3942 Good practices in human rights education and training : guidelines, indicators and evaluation Detail AIHR(Arab Institute for Human Rights / Arab Institute for Human Rights 2003 G / 371.5 91、 51 p
3943 Center for Southeast Asian Studies : 13th report Detail Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University 2003 SEA / 302 124 p
3944 ABC : teaching human rights : practical activities for primary and secondary schools Detail [Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights] / United Nations 2003 G / 371.5 113 p
3945 Digest of jurisprudence of the United Nations and regional organization on the protection of human rights while countering terrorism Detail compiled by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2003 G / 329.2 iv、 116 p
3946 Statistical year book of Nepal Detail Central Bureau of Statistics 2003 SA / 351 / 2003 [4]、 iv、 299 p
3947 Social Justice in India Detail editors, B. R. Purohit, Sandeep Joshi / Rawat Publications 2003 SA / 362 232 p
3948 Flowed over : the Babagon Dam and the resettlement of Kadazandusuns in Sabah Detail Carol Yong Ooi Lin / Center for Orang Asli Concerns 2003 SEA / 316.8 xv、 217 p
3949 An information guide : preventing discrimination, exploitation and abuse of women migrant workers Detail Lin Lean Lim / Gender Promotion Programme, International Labour Office 2003 G / 368.4 109 p
3950 日米NPO協同 : NPOP Detail 石川 結加, セラジーン・露慈富 構成・編集 / 日米コミュニティ・エクスチェンジ (JUCEE) 2003 J / 319.1 / 2002 93、 97 p
3951 Human security now Detail Commisiion on Human Security / Commisiion on Human Security 2003 G / 319.8 vii、 159 leaves
3952 Women in Nepal : some statistical facts : ratio of literate female to literate male aged 15-24 years, Nepal 2001 Detail National Planning Commission Secretariat, Central Bureau of Statistics 2003 SA / 367.2 86 p
3953 Juvenile : justice system in Nepal Detail Kathmandu School of Law (KSL) 2003 SA / 327.8 311 p
3954 Annual report Detail Isis International - Manila / Isis International - Manila 2003 G / 367.2 / 2002 80 p
3955 Orang Asli women and the forest : the impact of resource depletion on gender relations among the Semai Detail Colin Nicholas, Tijah Yok Chopol, Tiah Sabak / Center for Orang Asli Concerns 2003 SEA / 316.8 131 p
3956 大阪府人権教育研究南河内大会 : 差別の現実から深く学び、生活を高め、未来を保障する教育の確立をめざして Detail 大阪府人権教育研究協議会 編 / 大阪府人権教育研究協議会 2003 J / 375 / 34 157p
3957 大阪府人権教育研究南河内大会記念冊子 : つたえたいことがある : あなたに未来にこの故郷 (まち) に Detail 第34回大阪府人権教育研究南河内大会現地実行委員会 編 / 第34回大阪府人権教育研究南河内大会現地実行委員会 2003 J / 375 / 34 156p
3958 The transformation of Southeast Asia : international perspectives on decolonization Detail M. E. Sharpe / M. E. Sharpe 2003 SEA / 302 xiv、 358 p
3959 日朝交渉 : 課題と展望 Detail 姜尚中, 水野直樹, 李鍾元 編 / 岩波書店 2003 EA / 319 x、 246p
3960 Children in crossfire : premier writing event : walk my shoes Detail Sarah Lapsley / Yes!Publications 2003 G / 367.6 248 p

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