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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
4341 企業行動憲章実行の手引き Detail 日本経済団体連合会 2002 J / 335 52p
4342 China's long march toward rule of law Detail Cambridge University Press / Cambridge University Press 2002 EA / 321.1 xvii、 673 p
4343 「本名」で生きる! : 「本名指導」をすすめるために : 在日外国人教育指導資料 Detail 東大阪市教育委員会 / 東大阪市教育委員会 2002 J / 376.9 31p
4344 Transforming East Asian domestic and international politics : the impact of economy and globalization Detail ed. by Robert W. Compton, Jr. / Ashgate 2002 EA / 319 xiii、 204 p
4345 Human rights : a compilation of international instruments Detail United Nations / United Nations 2002 G / 329 / 39449 p 469-945
4346 知っていますか?ドメスティック・バイオレンス一問一答 Detail 日本DV防止・情報センター 編 / 解放出版社 2002 J / 367.3 2, 103p
4347 知っていますか?アダルト・チルドレン一問一答 Detail アダルト・チルドレン一問一答編集委員会 編 / 解放出版社 2002 J / 367.3 115p
4348 Combating torture Detail United Nations Centre for Human Rights / Centre for Human Rights 2002 G / 316.1 / 4 49p
4349 Dalit assertion and the unfinished democratic revolution : the Bahujan Samaj Party in Uttar Pradesh Detail Sudha Pai / Sage Publications 2002 SA / 316.8 xiv、 265 p
4350 Citizenship and the challenge of global education Detail Audrey Osler and Kerry Vincent ; [foreword by Glenys Kinnock] / Trentham 2002 G / 371.5 xiv、 143 p
4351 Gender and Laws : Nepalese perspective Detail Yubaraj Sangroula, Geeta Pathak / Pairavi Prakashan 2002 SA / 367.2 241p
4352 Provisions of human rights promotion and protection under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2540 (1997) and National Human Rights Commission Act B.E.(1999) Detail Office of National Human Rights Commission of Thailand 2002 SEA / 327.7 42 p
4353 Never again : cartoons on the Gujarat carnage Detail Hemant Morparia, Anant Kulkarni / YUVA/Focus India Programme 2002 SA / 302 47 p
4354 Nga Perehitini : the presidents of the Maori Women's Welfare League Detail Isolde Byron / Te Ropu Wahine Maori Toko i Te Ora 2002 P / 316.8 144 p
4355 第6回DPI世界会議札幌大会 : プログラム&ガイド Detail DPI(障害者インターナショナル)日本会議 2002 G / 369.2 22, 24p
4356 第6回DPI世界会議札幌大会 : 要約集(アブストラクト) Detail DPI(障害者インターナショナル)日本会議 2002 G / 369.2 120p
4357 The labour market and employment implications of HIV/AIDS Detail International Labour Office / International Labour Office 2002 G / 490 30 p
4358 ACT Project : assisting communities together Detail Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2002 G / 318.8 30 p
4359 History : human rights in the curriculum : a handbook for use in the secondary school classroom Detail ed. by Sara Slater, Margot Brown / Amnesty International UK 2002 E / 375.3 80 p
4360 Abolishing slavery and its contemporary forms Detail David Weissbrodt and Anti-Slavery International / United Nations 2002 G / 368 55 p

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