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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
4421 フィリピンと出会おう Detail ピナツボ復興むさしのネット, 山田伸男, 出口雅子 編 / 国土社 2002 SEA / 375 87p
4422 INS detainees in Florida : a double standard of treatment : supplement Detail Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center 2002 AM / 329.9 / 3 v、 146 p
4423 ハンドブック国際化のなかの人権問題 Detail 上田正昭 編 / 明石書店 2002 J / 316.1 366p
4424 Year book Detail Islamabad Campus, Roots Montessori & High School 2002 SA / 376 130 p
4425 World conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : declaration and programme of action Detail Dept. of Public Information, United Nations 2002 G / 316.8 v、 145 p
4426 Gender Discrimination Prevention and Relief Act Detail The Presidential Commission on Women's Affairs / The Presidential Commission on Women's Affairs 2002 EA / 367.2 12 p
4427 Human rights crises : NGO responses to military interventions Detail International Council on Human Rights Policy 2002 G / 319.8 66 p
4428 インドネシア コトパンジャン・ダム訴訟訴状 Detail コトパンジャン・ダム被害者住民を支援する会 2002 SEA / 333.8 3、 54p
4429 Lifting the spirit : human rights and freedom of religion or belief : a secondary school curriculum to promote tolerance and prevent discrimination based on religion or belief Detail prepared for The international consultative conference on school education in relation to freedom of religion or belief,to lerance and non-discrimination / The Tandem Project, University of Minnesota Human Rights Resource Center 2002 G / 375 88 p
4430 国際結婚ハンドブック : 外国人と結婚したら… Detail 国際結婚を考える会 編 / 明石書店 2002 J / 367.4 306p
4431 Report of regional training on economic, social and cultural rights : 29 July -4 August 2002, Kualalumpur, Malaysia Detail conducted by Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum-Asia), ERA Consumer and Suaram / Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum-asia) 2002 AP / 316.1 i、 88 p
4432 Compass : a manual on human rights education with young people Detail written by Patricia Brander... [et al.] ; ed. by Patricia Brander, Ellie Keen, Marie-laure Lemineur / Council of Europe 2002 E / 371.5 418 p
4433 Housing rights legislation : review of international and national legal instruments Detail United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) : Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) / United Nations Human Settlements Programme (Un-habitat) : Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) 2002 G / 365.3 xvi、 124 p
4434 Human rights issue in Japan Detail Human Rights Forum21 2002 J / 327.7 27p
4435 Dimensions of human rights in the Asia-Pacific region Detail Vitit Muntarbhorn / Office of the National Human Roghts Commission of Thailand 2002 AP / 316.1 vi、 327 p
4436 [Asian Civil Society Forum] Detail [The Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations(CONGO)] 2002 AP / 335.8 1 v
4437 Regional consultative meeting : political empowerment for South Asian women Detail organised by ABC Nepal / [ABC Nepal] 2002 SA / 367.2 iv、 80 p
4438 大阪フォーラム : 「アジア太平洋障害者の十年」最終年記念フォーラム : 障害者の権利実現へのパートナーシップ Detail [「アジア太平洋障害者の十年」最終年記念フォーラム組織委員会] 2002 AP / 369.2 35p
4439 子どもの命に国境はない : 無国籍状態にある子どもについて : 特集 どう援助していますか。外国人妊産婦 Detail 李節子, キャロリン・S・スティーヴンス [] / 医学書院 2002 J / 369.4 p50-57
4440 Housing rights legislation : review of international and national legal instruments Detail United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) : Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) / United Nations Human Settlements Programme (Un-habitat) : Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) 2002 G / 365.3 xvi、 124 p

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