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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
4701 Pamamahala at pakikilahok : isang panimulang babasahin Detail Nagsulat: Jason Christopher R. Co... [at el.] ; Namatnugot: Marlon J. Manuel / Saligan 2001 SEA / 318 86 p
4702 INS detainees in Florida : a double standard of treatment Detail Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center 2001 AM / 329.9 / 1 xii、 216 p
4703 INS detainees in Florida : a double standard of treatment Detail Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center 2001 AM / 329.9 / 2 p 217-402
4704 Excessive force : human rights violations during IDF actions in Area A Detail researched and written by Yael Stein, Ron Dudai / B'Tselem 2001 WA / 319.8 82 p
4705 Guide to the new UN Trafficking Protocol : protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime Detail by Janice G. Raymond / Coalition Against Trafficking in Women 2001 G / 368.4 23 p
4706 East Asian Workshop on International Criminal Court Detail Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) 2001 AP / 329.7 1 v
4707 International human rights law challenges to the new international criminal court : the search and seizure right to privacy Detail by George E. Edwards / Yale Law School 2001 G / 329.7 p 323-412
4708 Burma's plea Detail Altsean-Burma (Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma) 2001 SEA / 316.1 80 p
4709 Collective report among Japan based NGOs on the Iinternational Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination : the implementation of the Convention in Japan and the problems of the Japan's first and second report Detail ed. by IMADR-JC / IMADR-JC 2001 J / 329.2 60 p
4710 Trust and power : child abuse in the eyes of the child and the parent Detail ed. by Ma. Divina Paredes-Japa / Save the Children : United Nations Children's Fund 2001 SEA / 367.6 xiii、 162 p
4711 Annual report Detail Department of Social Welfare and Development 2001 SEA / 364 / 2001 54 p
4712 Compendium of National Plans of Action for Human Rights Education : (including relevant excerpts from National Human Rights Action Plan) Detail Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights / [United Nations] 2001 G / 316.1 298 p
4713 隔離から解放へ : ハンセン病と真宗 : ギャラリー展 Detail 真宗大谷派同和推進本部, 真宗大谷派ハンセン病に関する懇談会 企画 / [真宗大谷派同和推進本部] 2001 J / 490 18p
4714 NGO responses to military interventions in human rights crises : draft report for consultation Detail International Council on Human Rights Policy 2001 G / 319.8 51 p
4715 WCAR 2001, Tehran : NGO Forum : materials Detail [NGO conference] 2001 G / 316.8 1 v
4716 WCAR 2001, Tehran : Asian preparatory meeting for WCAR(intergovernmental meeting) : materials Detail [Asian preparatory meeting for WCAR] 2001 G / 316.8 1 v
4717 WCAR 2001, Tehran : other UN documents distributed in the intergovernmental meeting : materials Detail [Intergovernmental meeting for WCAR] 2001 G / 316.8 1 v
4718 反人種主義・差別撤廃世界会議 : 参加報告書 Detail 世界人権宣言大阪連絡会議事務局 編 / 世界人権宣言大阪連絡会議事務局 2001 G / 316.8 24p
4719 Japanese industrial relations, labour law and government measures after the burst of the froth economy : revised version Detail [by] Masahiro Ken Kuwahara / [Aichi Gakuin University] 2001 J / 366.1 p 19-78
4720 Gender assessment in the education sector Detail Mainstreaming Gender Equity Programme (MGEP) 2001 SA / 367.2 xvii、 121 p

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