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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
4721 A reference kit on violence against women and girls in South Asia Detail United Nations Children's Fund Regional Office for South Asia 2001 SA / 367.2 61 p
4722 Annual Report Detail [World Organisation Against Torture] (OMCT) 2001 G / 316.1 / 2000 65 p
4723 The Qur'an : translation Detail translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali / Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an Inc. 2001 G / 160 466 p
4724 Human development report : making new technologies work for human development Detail United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2001 G / 361.9 / 2001 xiii、 264 p
4725 Human development report : summary : making new technologies work for human development Detail United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2001 G / 361.9 / 2001 [27 p]
4726 Burma: consequences of violence : includes chronology 1st January- 30th April, '00 Detail Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (Altsean-Burma) 2001 SEA / 316.1 40 p
4727 Asia solidarity quarterly : ASQ Detail PSPD, Rcan 2001 / / 2001.3 188 p
4728 Human rights and environment Detail Cambridge University Press / Cambridge University Press 2001 G / 510 lxxvii、 942 p
4729 Common ground sexuality Detail Principles for working on sexuality / TARSHI 2001 SA / 369.9 19 p
4730 WCAR 2001, Kathmandu, Nepal : NGO meeting : materials Detail [NGO meeting for WCAR] 2001 G / 316.8 1 v
4731 We, the Dalits, 160 millions in India, 240 millions in South Asia, together with the Burakumin, Roma, Ozu and other perples in Japan, Europe, Nigeria, Senegal and elsewhere, and in solidarity with all the discriminated peoples in the world, demand the United Nations Detail [National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, India] / [National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, India] 2001 SA / 361.8 9 leaves
4732 Collective report among Japan based NGOs on the Iinternational Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination : the implementation of the Convention in Japan and the problems of the Japan's first and second report Detail ed. by IMADR-JC / IMADR-JC 2001 J / 329.2 60 p
4733 Stand up speak out : a book about children's rights,written by young people around the world Detail Peace Child International / Two-Can 2001 G / 369.4 96 p
4734 Association for the Prevention of Torture : annual report Detail Association for the Prevention of Torture / Association for the Prevention of Torture 2001 G / 327.6 / 2001 18、 18 p
4735 A handbook for Barangay Human Rights Action Officers Detail Commission on Human Rights, Republic of the Philippines / Commission on Human Rights, Republic of the Philippines 2001 SEA / 327.7 40 p
4736 Expert meeting : zero tolerance for domestic violence Detail Asian Women's Fund 2001 G / 367.3 193 p
4737 A history of Western thought : from ancient Greece to the twentieth century Detail Skirbekk, Gunnar ; Gilje, Nils / Routledge 2001 G / 130 [xix]、 487 p
4738 Human rights education strategies for vulnerable groups : lessons from South Asia Detail by Joseph Gathia / Centre of Concern for Child Labour 2001 SA / 373 36 p
4739 Mobilitty [i.e. Mobility] and HIV/AIDS : strengthening regional interventions :report Detail editors, Irene Fernandez, Sharuna Verghis / Tenaganita : Ford foundation 2001 AP / 369.9 iv、 55 p
4740 Freedom of religion in Israel : Israel 2001 Detail Israel Information Center 2001 WA / 316.1 20 p

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