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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
4981 Human rights training : a manual on human rights training methodology Detail High Commissioner for Human Rights, Centre for Human Rights / United Nations 2000 G / 371.5 17 p
4982 The political dimensions of the Asian crisis Detail ed. by Uwe Johannen, Jurgen Rudolph and James Gomez / Select Books in Association with Friedrich Naumann Foundation 2000 AP / 312 vi、 267 p
4983 CIJL yearbook : universal aspects of judicial independence Detail guest editor: Robert D. Nicholson ; editor: Mona A. Rishmawi / Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers 2000 G / 327.1 227 p
4984 South East Asia people's festival (SEAFEST 2000) Detail South East Asia Popular Communications Programme (SEAPCP) : Women Resources Development Center (PPSW) : Institute for Social Transformation (INSIST) 2000 SEA / 318.6 134 p
4985 Democracy, human rights and the rule of law : essays in Honour of Nani Palkhivala Detail ed. by Venkat Iyer / Butterworths India 2000 G / 322 xxv、 276 p
4986 Asia solidarity quarterly : ASQ Detail PSPD, Rcan 2000 / / 2000.2 148 p
4987 企業評価の新しいモノサシ : 社会責任からみた格付け基準 Detail 斎藤槙 / 生産性出版 2000 G / 335.1 271p
4988 Child abuse in the Philippines : an integrated literature review and annotated bibliography Detail Elizabeth Protacio-marcelino... [et. al] / University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies 2000 SEA / 367.6 323 p
4989 Your voice at work : global report under the follow-up to the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work Detail International Labour Office / International Labour Office 2000 G / 366.1 x、 88 p
4990 国際人権教育シンポジウム&ワークショップ : 「人権教育のための国連10年」中間年記念 : 資料編 Detail [大阪市人権啓発推進協議会] / [大阪市人権啓発推進協議会] 2000 J / 371.5 / [1] 36p
4991 The human rights journal : a semiannual publication of the commission on human rights  Detail Commission on Human Rights 2000 SEA / 316.1 ii、 108 p
4992 東南アジア法 Detail 安田信之 / 日本評論社 2000 SEA / 322.2 10、 359p
4993 Political theory and the rights of indigenous peoples Detail ed. by Duncan Ivison, Paul Patton, Will Sanders / Cambridge University Press 2000 G / 316.8 x、 323 p
4994 Legal reform in Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule, 1895-1945 : the reception of western law Detail Tay-sheng Wang / University of Washington Press 2000 EA / 322.2 288 p
4995 Human rights in international relations Detail David P. Forsythe / Cambridge University Press 2000 G / 329.2 x、 247 p
4996 Torture of children in situations of armed conflict : the Philippine experience Detail Elizabeth Protacio-marcelino... [et. al] / Center for Integrative and Development Studies, University of the Philippines 2000 SEA / 367.6 vii、 194 p
4997 姫路市民の『国際化』に対する意識と外国人受け入れの現状:ベトナム人定住者支援活動を中心に Detail 姫路工業大学環境人間学部国際理解推進研究班 / 姫路工業大学環境人間学部国際理解推進研究班 2000 J / 334.4 53、 6p
4998 The future of UN human rights treaty monitoring Detail ed. by Philip Alston, James Crawford / Cambridge University Press 2000 G / 329.3 xxxv、 563 p
4999 The ritual of rights in Japan : law, society, and health policy Detail Eric A. Feldman / Cambridge University Press 2000 J / 316.1 xiv、 219 p
5000 East meets West : human rights and democracy in East Asia Detail Daniel A. Bell / Princton University press 2000 AP / 316.1 xii、 369 p

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